Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hop on Pop

"Green Days. Deep deep in the sea. Cool and quiet fish. That's me."

So I asked my kids the other day what their favourite things to do with Mommy and Daddy are... here's the list I got:
  • have tea parties
  • read books
  • play games
  • play with Mommy
  • play horsie with Daddy

Greg was shocked to see that the abuse that he is subjected to the moment he walks in the door is given a name and a mention on that list! I really do need to capture a picture of this back-wrenching balancing act! I have a picture of my siblings and I engaging my Dad in the act - during which photo shoot produced a pulled back! Our kids are much more into it though - they've got whips (for when he's a bad horsie and needs to go faster) - and they literally dig their heels into his sides to make him "giddy-up" - it's quite awful to watch. Typically I don't - playing horsie with Daddy means alone time for Mommy! Greg often asks "do they do this to you?" Thankfully no. However, I am rarely, if ever, gone for hours on end... and I have learned to never, no never, lay down on the floor when children abound.

I then asked the kids what they wish we did more of... I was surprised by the two answers I got: "read scriptures more" and "more charts on the wall"!

You have to understand that my husband and I have made a half-dedicated effort to read scripture stories with our children every day... sometimes we do, sometimes we don't... however, many a times it is like pulling teeth to get them to quiet down and sit still for the length of just one little scriptures story. I suppose our efforts haven't been quiet so futile, but my mind begins to decompress a bit just thinking about trying to read any more!

For the second point, you need to merely walk into my home to see how completely (and embarrassingly) anal I am about schedules, time management and charts of any shape and size. I have them; I own them; I make them... charts are my friend. My husband is sick of them, yet tolerates them because... miracle of miracles - they actually WORK! Our family functions on charts - and apparently my kids want more of a good thing. I am beaming. I, the queen of charts, have reproduced chart-lovers!


Kristy said...

Fabulous bloggery! I need some of those charts and time management skills around here. Feel like a quick trip to Texas? :)

Kelli France said...

Seriously, I could use a chart right about now too. Savannah is still peeing her pants and she's 4!!! Any suggestions?

Camie said...

Hey Renee!
Welcome to the blog world!! As you know, I just started myself and it's very fun!! Now I'm addicted to checking other peoples' blogs--so I'll be looking you up often--I love the stories and pictures you have shared so far!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...