Friday, August 16, 2013

Polishing my Craft

Summer days seem to have mood swings of their own.  Or perhaps it's just days with kids.  Or my days.

At any rate, earlier this week I had a lucky/unlucky day.

In trying to be more reasonable about what can be accomplished in a day, I've been trying to set one main goal a day.  I purposely posted on facebook: Goal for the day: trick the kids into having a water fight/car wash to clean my filthy van.

And... success.

Upon completion the phone rang and I picked it up to find out that I had won a prize at the library for participating in the adult summer reading club thingamajig.  What luck!

Feeling proud, I decided why not attempt one more feat for the day.  I invited Miss J to do a fun little crafty project I found online.  I am not crafty, but it looked easy enough, and she was game, so we pulled out our pencils, tape, and nail polish and got to work.
What the pencils looked like on the blog:
What our pencils looked like:  (not bad, really, just never as good as what those crafty people can pull off)

What I don't have a picture of is what took place shortly thereafter.

As I proceeded to lift the bin with 30+ nail polishes up to the top shelf in my bathroom, I slipped/tripped/fell/lost my balance and all the nail polishes fell to the tile floor below.  I didn't count, but I would say between 7-10 of the nail polish bottles shattered, spilled and splashed all over the floor.  It was a disaster.  I just stood there looking down.  Glass pieces were everywhere, my foot was bleeding, and the slow puddles of red, pink, blue and sparkly nail polish were spreading.  What to do?  Cry?  Call a cleaning service?  I cursed the craft, buckled up my strength and began cleaning - thankfully cleaning supplies were in the bathroom.  Of course I was also "babysitting" three extra kiddos (combined with mine to make seven) still running around having a water fight.  Miss J saved my butt.  I hollered to her from the window and she googled cleaning help, brought me anything I needed, and basically did my babysitting job for me (including feeding all those crazy boys lunch) while I spent the next two hours cleaning up my own silly mess.  There is still polish in the grout and on my rug for me to get to... but overall the cleanup was successful.

After admitting my crime to all the kids in my house, and reminding them about the song with the lyrics, "I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me bad," we biked over to a park to meet some friends and decompress outdoors, away from the sickening smell of nail polish.  As I described the whole hullabaloo to my friend who met us there, I could already laugh about it.  I suppose that's one of the best ways to get through my many coloured days.

Not one to give up, I finished the day making "crafty" little labels/tags for my closet bins that I had previously organized up to the point of adding labels.  Mission completion.


Unknown said...

Oh. My. Goodness. What a story!!
Good for you for getting 'back on the horse" and finishing a few more crafty things around your house. Seriously, if it were me, I would probably just cried for the rest of the day while eating chocolate. Your baskets look great!

Jennifer said...

oh dear!!!Great post my friend :) Now I know who to call when this happens to me :)

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