Friday, April 08, 2011

Oh the Irony!

Sometimes when I'm walking to and from classes, I start "writing" blog posts in my mind. Recently I have had a stream of pretty darn good grades: a slew of perfect papers, and my lowest mid-term exam score was a 90%. I know right. I was pretty impressed with myself. And so it was, while walking amongst my fellow students, feeling pretty smug, I thought up a whole wonderful post with the instructions and title: "How To Easily Get an "A" in Any Class."

And then I ate humble pie for lunch the next day.

I got back my math exam and also received what I believe (as far as I can remember) to be my very first "C" ever in my life. It would be an understatement to say I was devastated. The worst of it was, it wasn't just lots of small little dumb mistakes, but no - I still can't solve half the problems I got wrong.

I've said many times, that I don't expect (myself or my children) to be the best... but just to be the best that I (or they) can be. Ofttimes I find myself disappointed in myself for NOT being or doing what I know I am capable of. But in this case, if I truly listen to my own advice... I did do my best, and it just wasn't the best score. And now you don't have to listen to a self-absorbed student talk about how to get an "A". You just have to sit and read about a type A self-absorbed student ramble on aimlessly about how a "C" helped her to see things a little more clearly.

1 comment:

The Wilsons said...

Why does that sort of thing always happen? So sorry about the disappointing grade. Of course, with all that you maintain, it IS pretty impressive that it's your first ever! Keep up the good work (even if there are a few such disappointments sprinkled throughout). You still never cease to amaze and inspire me.

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