Friday, April 08, 2011

I Looked out the Window and What did I see?

Days like today I despise living on a corner.
I paid the two eldest a dollar each to help with most of it. Best two dollars I've spent in a long time.
I'm not sure where this snow came from... it's not our typical light fluffy stuff. It was a better workout than Jillian. So I'm rewarding myself with some Cadbury mini-eggs.
Mr. Man is on a man trip in the dessert mountain biking. Don't worry,sweetie, I saved you half the driveway--- and it's still coming down! We may own a snow blower when you get back. (Wishful thinking; Mr. T suggested the purchase.)


MOM said...

All I can say is: UNBELIEVABLE !!
So sorry Mr Man is away:( I second the motion for a snowblower.

Debbi said...

Im on a corner lot too. AND I woke up to snow too. And I May buy a Snowblower soon. But the shovelling? ! Yah...I let mother nature bring in a chinook! Lol

Amy said...

No wonder your posts are written so well, you compose them in your head instead of just pounding out random thoughts at the computer!
My condilences on the "c". I wish I could say I have only ever received one.

I vote for a snowblower, too!

The Wilsons said...

That most definitely is NOT popcorn popping on that tree. Ugh!

Laura said...

Where I live a snowblower is a want, where you live it is a need! Just think of what a great business it could become for the kids, too--neighbors would pay a lot more than $2 for their driveways to be cleared! ;-)

Karen O. said...

no offense - but so much better you than me....

Balancing & Blogging

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