Monday, April 11, 2011


My youngest is really a fabulous little shopper. Taking him on errands is rarely a chore (knock on wood). He knows his way around the grocery store and loves helping me check things off our list. He also knows where all the free tasty treats can be found.

The other day I had all four kids with me to literally grab four items. He was so excited to direct them to the cookie counter for their free cookie. Then he introduced them all to our friendly and favourite cashier, Karen. (Favourite because she flirts with him and always has a treat ready for him as well.) She was making chit chat with the kiddos, and Little E showed her his cookie of which he had not yet taken a bite. He explained to her that he was saving it for after his lunch, and that he hadn't take a single bite yet. The Preschooler then demonstrated the crumbs left on his hands and face, and declared: "I took LOTS of single bites!"

I was talking to Oma today and told her this short dialogue and she laughed and laughed. So I had to record it, if only to remember the laughter it emitted and the sweet people in my life.


Steve and Donna said...

your son is very wise- beyond his years!

Kyle said...

Hilarious! It certainly elicited laughter from me!

Balancing & Blogging

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