Friday, April 15, 2011


My therapist thinks I am grieving.

Grieving my kids being young. Grieving being at home with all of them all day long. Grieving the mom I used to be, and so forth and so on.

This morning The Preschooler and I pulled out the beads. We made some necklaces for his Grandmas and a toy for our cat.

This afternoon he had a friend over, and again we got to beading.

I used to vacuum up beads so much it was a strange day when the bead-sucking sound didn't sing. But for the life of me, I can't remember the last time I worked some gymp through some beads. And yes, I think I may be grieving.


Arseneault Family said...

we should start a grieving club as i am with ya! i just started a twitter account and felt like crying. life is funny. xo

Anne Marie said...

It is such a hard thing to say goodbye to the "little ones" phase. My heart has spent a lot of time breaking about it the past two years, but I can honestly say that it's getting a little better, and I'm starting to imagine the next phase and move one. Blessings to you, friend.

Amy said...

That makes a lot of sense.
I wonder about you everyday and you are often in my prayers.

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