Friday, July 02, 2010

I will survive

I've been a single Mom for too many days. I'm coping fine really, and enjoying numerous chic flicks, but when I tripped hiking down a mountain yesterday and twisted my ankle (which swelled up to the size of a grapefruit) it just seemed to make all the little moments alone that much harder. Last night I had a Primary meeting and when asked how I was doing, it was one of those moments where I just let it all out. My poor friend.

She called today to take me out for a drive. I paid a sitter (my friend's daughter whom the kids adore) for an hour; and an hour was all I needed. We were out in the middle of nowhere chatting, woo-hoo-ing and even spitting gum into the air at high speeds! For a single hour today I had zero demands, zero responsibility and zero worries.



I'm reminded of my Mom's utterance to my Dad at times of annoyance. She would often mutter "Go fly a kite!" The irony of it was Dad's passion for flying kites. I think that at times of stress, or even during the calm times, it's vital to "go fly a kite" or "go for a drive" and even to "stop and smell the roses." Quite literally. I'm glad I got away today. It's going to make the tomorrows a much smoother ride.


Ally said...

Reading your post brought back memories of when Thayne was in D.C. studying for the bar and I was alone with the kids (and four months pregnant) for 11 weeks. I remember saying to myself, "If I can just make it through this day, I'll be ok!". Hang in there!!!

Anne Marie said...

Good for you! Finding those moments are essential for our survival as mothers. And, in a few years, you'll be able to leave your oldest in charge for an hour or two. And, that is a blessing be able to escape for a bit by yourself or with your spouse without even planning it ahead of time or anything.

Jedda said...

what a blessing! Sometimes Moms need "time outs" too :) Yours was beautiful!

Balancing & Blogging

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