Wednesday, June 02, 2010

May I?

I feel like I have neglected this blog. It doesn't bother me so much as the fact that I have in turn neglected any writing or journaling at all. Sitting down at the computer to write is almost like a drug for me... and usually I am addicted. Lately life has gotten in the way. And that's a wonderful addiction in and of itself. It's remarkable to me to see that in the month of May I only had six posts! I'm not much for bullet posts, but as to keep my family and myself in the know, here's a brief synopsis of our month... so that I can fill my habit and continue onwards.

-my third child turned six and I still have to write his special birthday letter
-another pirate party under my belt - but our first time to have a pinata (per request of the birthday boy!)
-mothers day (how could I NOT have written about this special day?)
-my sister had a baby (her third child and second son!)
-we went to the opening ceremonies for our state's special Olympics
-we've been gardening, landscaping, weeding and even shoveling snow in all of our spare time
-we had a sick sick boy for almost 2 weeks, and even spent a day in the hospital having an IV and multiple tests including a spinal tap... not a fun time (he's better now by the way)
-I was called as Primary President again :)
-my childhood best friend and husband came for a spontaneous but very fun visit
-tball tball tball
-I had a small health issue that has caused for some unexpected pain and inability to exercise for a week - which makes me tired and a little crabby
-we went camping for our first time in our new state and woke up to snow... I promise to REALLY blog about this one!!! (pictures and newspaper article included...are you curious?!)
-school performances, field trips, projects, etc.
-we are finishing up homeschooling, and public school lets out next week
-starting to plan out our summer: the more organized I am, the more fun we will have!

And... because the Grandma's like pictures, no matter how random:
{my little waterer - with a net in his back, that looks like angel wings to me}
{hours and hours have been spent on the trampoline: rain or shine}

{the pinata - we told everyone to take one hit... after many turns each, we let Mr. Man loose on it}
{mud pie for my little guy}
{lots of lego building and playing}
{sidewalk paint and chalk fun}
{creating and playing four square}
{he THINKS he's stopped napping}
{Miss J and my childhood best friend}

And because I realized I have taken very few pictures of Mr. T lately, enjoy this lovely song:


Camie said...

Wow--Primary President?? You must have that calling tattooed on your forehead! I hope you enjoyed your short break! I'm actually missing primary very much--maybe I'll move into your ward and you can find a place for me!

Shawny said...

They've put you where you love it the most. Me on the other hand, still trying to get the feel for it! :)

LollyGirl said...

and since you're not busy enough and don't have quite enough to blog about, i'd like to submit a request that you share your summer plans to get me inspired so that i feel a little more optimistic about surviving summer break!! pretty please?

Anne Marie said...

Oh, I adore "The Call". I will probably come back later today just to hear it again. Thanks! Congrats on Primary President! You have an incredible gift for working with children. I have definitely been experiencing writer's block of a sorts's been 8 weeks since I posted...ugh! lots of ideas upstairs...just not enough time and energy to express them

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...