Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Piano Practicing

Each morning there is a mad dash for the piano. My two eldest want to get their practicing done with as soon as is humanly possible. There have been punches and pinches I'm afraid, and ultimately an assignment of days of who gets to go first. Most mornings I awake to the trill sound of practicing and the reminder that I really do need to get that old piano tuned (since our move!) With three practicers, the piano playing continues well into our morning. Often we hear comments of "listen to me do it super fast" or "I can play this one with my eyes closed." Today was a new one, and it tops the charts. Little E hollered, "listen to me do it without the keys!" He then proceeded to sing the song, without the keys: with no piano accompaniment. That's a practiced talent for you.


Jodie said...

Haha! That is hilarious, and quite creative I might add! :)

Camille said...

supper cute and shows that his health has definitely improved.
let the others try to trump that!

The Wilsons said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is SO HILARIOUS!!! Very creative, that one...

Hmmm...I guess I am not very creative, as what I just typed seems to almost directly quote Jodie. Oops. Ah, well!

Balancing & Blogging

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