10 random things about me:
1. I'm left-handed and proud of it.
2. My eyelids are saggy and it makes wearing mascara annoying - always a little bit stuck up above... I know I need to find a different kind of mascara, but I hate shopping, and shopping for make-up especially... seriously have bad make-up shopping stories
3. I am a pessimist. But happy about this fact. I love being happily surprised when I expect the worst.
4. I tend to exaggerate. I think it makes things more exciting. And really I don't even mean too... it just happens. My husband hates this.
5. I can read about 100 pages an hour. Even without wearing my glasses. I love to read.
6. My favourite colour is green but I have a huge weakness for red.
7. I wish I could control my eating habits. But I can't. I am a sucker for all things chocolate... except I hate chocolate milk, chocolate milkshakes or chocolate ice cream.
8. I have a hard time making friends. But when I do, they're usually the best friends I could ever ask for.
9. I am extremely anal and quite the control freak. Some people are nice about it and tell me I am very organized. I know better.
10. I despise pets of all sorts. I refuse to have one in my home. I'm the only person in my home that feels this way and I hate being outnumbered. MUST. STAY. STRONG.
10 things on my to-do list for this week
1. Get proof of continuous coverage from last insurance company
2. Get doctors and dentists and set appointments
3. Mail off packages
4. Make cards with Miss J on her special night
5. Halloween plans - party? -costumes
6. Make cinnamon buns, granola bars, pumpkin and banana loaves
7. Wrap wedding gift for cousin (buy gift wrap)
8. Answer Kyle's (brother on mission) email and write back
9. Hairdresser appointment?
10. Find out which day has all the flyers in the paper and purchase THAT day
10 blogs I read (that aren't personal friends) - and in no particular order
1. http://balancingeverything.com
2. http://blog.cjanerun.com
3. http://memoriesoncloverlane.blogspot.com
4. http://homeschoolcreations.blogspot.com
5. http://lets-explore.net/blog
6. http://www.makeandtakes.com
7. http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com
8. http://www.notimeforflashcards.com
9. http://www.lazyorganizer.com/blog
10. http://71toes.blogspot.com
10 weaknesses I wish were strengths
1. Sewing: I seriously have a billion projects that I would love to do. Just lack the know-how and a sewing machine.
2. Getting stressed too easily. This one may be genetic. But I would love to go with the flow naturally.
3. Craftiness. All things crafty: scrapbooking, card making, home craftiness... all that stuff. Some people have it; I keep trying.
4. Over-scheduling. I've experienced 24 hour days for years now, and yet still try to cram in at least 6 more hours worth of tasks into a day. When will I learn?
5. Yelling. I hate yelling. I hate the impression it makes on my kids. I am getting better. I now own a whistle and a bell that do my yelling for me.
6. Math. I helped out in my daughter's third grade math class today. Or tried to help. Yup, still a weakness. I will cry if I have to take another math class in order to graduate.
7. Judging. I am quick to jump to conclusions and make my own verdicts on others' lives and choices. As I develop empathy and make stupid choices of my own (often) I am trying to do better at this. But it's hard for me. This is probably the weakness I am most at odds with and even have a hard time admitting to.
8. Chocolate. 'Nuf said.
9. Procrastinating. To be honest, I love planning, but carrying things out is often put off. I sort of like the high that comes from doing things at the last minute. But dealing with this weakness, may help with #2.
10. Studying scriptures. Love the reading. Getting too in depth is something that I struggle with. But I know I should.
10 strengths
1. I am the queen of charts, planning and all things organization.
2. I love to teach my children and I am a good teacher.
3. I keep a tidy home.
4. I am a good writer and a great speller.
5. I am creative.
6. I try to be a good friend to my friends.
7. I am a hard worker, but I also like to schedule in time for fun.
8. I am well-read.
9. I am a winner. Seriously. I am both lucky and brilliant when it comes to playing games.
10. I know who I am. Took a while. But is a huge strength.
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Balancing & Blogging
I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not. P...
Mr. T: “Look, these are the kids. And they tied the Mom up. Now they’re going to shoot arrows at her and cut off her legs with the ax and K...
{on one of our drives} As much as we prepared, and prepare we did, there is nothing like going through the whole experience of finding your...
I have a really good thing going. I make list after list of home and other projects, and my husband helps me make them a reality. He's...
About the luck thing in games, this is completely unfair how 'chance' favors some individuals.
Maybe a cat will help with weakness #7.
Mr. Man
oh I loved this post....you know yourself so well...I hope when I grow up I can know myself as well as you do :) Wish we could have had more time in Kansas to get to know each other.... :)
Don't cave on the pet your gut feeling is right :) Coming from a mom who caved and owns a very evil cat :)
DON'T CAVE! The name "family pet" is a complete misnomer. Every pet is Mom's pet. No matter how much they say they will help, they dump it on Mom. I have friends who FB about their pets--and their vomit, slobber, poop in the house, destructive behavior, etc. It is not worth the cute animal in the family Christmas picture. Husbands and kids say it will be THEIR pet and they will totally take care of it. To that I ask, "really? Are you planning to take it with you to school/work, then? Will you be going to Petsmart in the snow when it runs out of food?" Nope--always Mom. Don't get me wrong, some of my girlfriends love their pets, but because THEY wanted it and had no illusions about whose it is. If Mom "needs convincing", it never works out...
Mr. Man--is your office at work big enough for YOUR cat?
Not crafty? No way. I have to disagree with you on that one. As the recipient of some of your wonderful creations, I can say they are beautiful. Think of all you have created in your new home already! I've seen your scrapbooks--you can't fool me! ;-)
I have never skirted in responsbility. Ask the hubbie how many times I walked Mozart - twice daily. I also babysat a sibling of mine after 8 pm (Monday- Friday) my entire senior year. That meant that I was home at 8 pm on almost every Friday night. This sibling went to many night before football dinners and will tell you I made her sit until she ate her food (actually I gave up after a half hour of waiting).
I am a responsbile individual. Of course I wouldn't expect a child or my wife to maintain something that is my responsbility.
Mr. Assertive Man
I love who you are, and what you are becoming.
I am grateful for the privilege of seeing you discover yourself, create wonderful memories, and making a difference in the lives of many...especially your family.
Not being a pet lover is a dominant gene trait in our family which you have inherited from both of your parents.
Not being a pet lover is a dominant gene trait in our family which you have inherited from both of your parents.
Mr. Man--
It's not a personal insult, just the reality of the situation. You are a great guy (one of the best I know, to be honest) and I have no doubt that you would be totally responsible for a cat--when you are HOME.
But here is the reality:
When a stay-at-home mom decides she wants a pet, she is always there to deal with it, so it can be 100% hers--her husband and children would almost NEVER need to have anything at all to do with it (except for the big vet bills).
But the reality is, responsible or not, men are gone nearly half the day every weekday (work, commute, lunch, OT, meetings). During that time, whatever trouble a pet gets into becomes Mom's problem. If the cat vomits in the middle of the kitchen floor or knocks over the trash can, Mom can hardly leave it there for hours until Dad gets home. A cat's fur also means significantly more frequent vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, laundry, and furniture cleaning. If the cat goes outside, you can add more frequent mopping and the occasional cleaning up of a dead bird before the kids get home from school. In most homes, these are "mom jobs", and a mother of four has enough of those.
I know you probably think I am being unfair by asserting a mom can choose to get a pet by herself but a dad can't, but I feel it is much more unfair to unavoidably impose a pet and a long list of increased responsibilities on an already busy mom if she's not interested.
People who like to have pets are the people who feel the benefits of the pet (unconditional love, soft cuddly companionship) outweigh the work. But if someone doesn't really like animals, it doesn't add up. I know I sound like a big meanie, but trust me--the little disagreements a couple has over GETTING a pet are NOTHING compared to the big arguments a couple has if one person gets a pet the other doesn't want.
Oh, no! I just remembered that Mr. Man has me in the family Christmas gift exchange! After my little rant, he is probably going to get me a subscription to "Cat Fancy" magazine! Blurg...when will I learn to MYOB!!
It was fun reading over your strengths & weaknesses - you are wonderful that is for sure! We are finally getting a pet. On Nov 7th we will be a proud owner of a cat! However I am excited about it - cats are less needy than dogs.
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