In the midst of all the falalalala I’ve been trying to update or apply for all that comes with belonging to this country. Passports, drivers license, social security… except each place takes certain documents that others require the original for and vice versa, so that there is a very delicate order in which to do all of these fantastic form-filling flings. Thankfully I speak English rather well, and so I’m at a bit of an advantage… but still… “expect delays” is my new mantra when entering a government building with several children following suit.
And, should all the stars align and my computer co-operate (ie – not crash), I should be able to complete our family gift in time for Christmas mailing – or am I already too late… oh, that means entering another government-run building doesn’t it. Anyways, I really think that homemade gifts can be wonderfully meaningful, but gosh darn it aren’t they so time consuming? Time is love, right? Is that why my kids aren’t feeling it lately? I was also working making some money for the first time in years, but geeze, that’s time consuming too. I want more time for Christmas… and I’d love to get that gift early.

Miss J told us about a nightmare she had the other night where she died. It was so real that she was crying. She said Mr. Man and I went into her bedroom to mourn her loss when all of a sudden we saw her tsi tsi (nickname for her blankie) and her cat floating off into the sky… since her “invisible” spirit came back for her comfort objects. We had to do a bit of explaining about not bringing our “things” with us… but we did promise to bury them in her coffin with her and she seemed okay with that. She is getting ready to be baptized next week and said the other day that she can’t believe how fast this time has come, that she feels like she should have another year before she’s eight. Oh, hunny… I know!

Mr. T is spending hours outside in the cold – whether or not there is snow – he loves the cold. He is also up early early every morning trying to find where our elf, Snowflake, has situated himself for the day. Our schooling has gotten a little bit more laid back as we enjoy making homemade gifts for siblings and cousins, but there is lots to learn about snowflakes, penguins and gingerbread boys, right?! And he is reading... yeah! A whole new world has opened up.

Little E loves all the commercial cheese that comes with Christmas, and in a way its enjoyable. Personally, I like classic decorations, and could never imagine putting coloured lights on my tree or a blown-up santa, reindeer or penguin on my front lawn. But Little E is delirious over these decorations. He spots them as we drive around and is always the first to exclaim, “Look at those decorations! Ooooh, I love that. We need to get that decoration. It’s beautiful!” And really, it is fun isn’t it. So I pulled out the santa towels I’ve had for years but never been able to swallow and actually hang… and it’s not so bad. In fact, I watched Mr. T comb Santa’s beard along with his own hair this morning. So I’m trying to enjoy the childlike pleasures. The other day in the car I spotted the “beautiful decorations” first and excitedly told Little E. I definitely thought I was scoring points until he replied, “I know Mom, I see those every day.” So I still have a bit to learn.

Baby J needs a new name on my blog… he is no longer a baby. He is starting to babble constantly and imitate many many words he hears us say. He is fluent in his own language, and we’re hoping he picks up on more of ours as well. “Dora” and “Elmo” – pronounced “Melmo” are big time favourites, and every santa and snowman are affectionately pointed at and called “Melmo” as well. He is sure going to be aware of what goes on this Christmas. While definitely a trouble-maker (I
know, it’s the age) he is also so very loving and has such a sweet demeanor, that you can’t help but be captivated by his flirtatious smile.
So, don’t stop checking My Many Coloured Days… we are well, but we are busy… and besides, there are big flakes coming down as I write that will need to be enjoyed, or at least gazed at from inside while sipping hot chocolate!