Sunday, December 28, 2008


'Twas another memorable Christmas... one filled with family and wonderful traditions - not to mention good food.

'Twas another Sunday where I did sharing time and reinforced our 2008 theme: "I am a Child of God" one more time. I love my calling. I never thought I would say that.

'Twas another afternoon enjoying writing journals, thank you notes and talking about goals for the New Year.

Of course I'm also pondering the blogosphere and have decided to become more private. 'Twas inevitable... and thus the shortness of the season's events.

I do want to share this incredible story that filled me up and gave me warm fuzzies realizing the caring spirit of humankind that not only 'twas, but 'tis... enjoy.


Kendra said...

andy had me read this story last week then had to share with family as his "link of the day" email. very touching story indeed.

Brooke said...

Incredible is exactly the word that I would use! That is so incredible what that coach did! Very admirable especially in a football coach! That was a great story! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year! Love

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...