Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week... end!

Parties and more parties! It always seems like you hit a certain date in December where suddenly there is no turning back and so many events to attend. I wish they could be more spread out... but it is also kind of fun. Today at church the boys were planning yet another party with some of their friends and apparently Mr. T offered to bring the popcorn because, "Popcorn makes the party" - didn't you know!

We were all pretty happy this weekend. We mixed in some service with some fun though it was busy busy busy, the kids were happy to finally see Santa and I was happy to finally see "Twilight".

Sneaking some illegal mall santa pics - they wanted me to pay $17 for this horrible shot! Little E asked for another baby brother. We're not letting them watch "Miracle of 34th Street" again!
This santa was a bit too touchy feely. Later he was rubbing Baby J's leg and telling him how pretty he was - just like his Mommy - when he started rubbing my leg I nearly kicked his hand and we got up. If you look closely at this picture he's staring over at me instead of listening intently to my daughter's wishes. Mrs. Claus needs to accompany him on more business trips I think.

Mr. T's awesome physical therapist at the clinic's annual Snowflake Festival... seriously the best Christmas party around. Every year my kids think it's hilarious that she forgets to get dressed the day of the party!

He won a prize doing the "cake walk" (sans cake) game. This is seriously his new best friend.

Little E's amazing speech therapist and my good friend. Aren't they both adorable?!

SOOO ready to see "Twilight" - and yes, that's a nice new jacket (though not the best picture of it).

I loved this - five boys, 2 controlers, 1 star wars video game. We were having a math lesson!

Our graham cracker gingerbread houses from playgroup. I only burned myself twice this year - though I still have another twenty to make for school next week!

Bell ringing in the warm mall. Our friends stopped by and this is the first picture we have of us doing this - though it is our fourth or fifth year (I can't recall). We were stationed right across from Claires so Miss J could watch all the Christmas shoppers getting their ears pierced -something that will be happening for her this week!
And I didn't even bring my camera to EVERYTHING we did. I'm sure you all know what I mean. Next weekend brings with it even more festivities and also lots of family coming... so this may be it for a while. A girl can only put off cleaning her bathroom for so long :)
Merry Christmas.


Lori said...

You have been busy. That's so neat that you do bell ringing for the Salvation Army. I'll have to think about trying to do that with my family - what a great lesson on service, gratitude, etc.

Camille said...

Impressive and festive!

Shawny said...

I'm tired just from reading that. Now I need a nap!

Anne Marie said...

You guys have been keeping very busy. Love how you do bell ringing as a family. Great lessons for the kids. You are ambitious with all those gingerbread houses! Hope all goes well. So, what did you think of Twilight? I'm finally going to see it this weekend.

libbie said...

Creepy Santa! EWWWWW! I love the new coat! And you look gorgeous in the picture. So tell me . . . how did you like the movie Twilight?

Jennifer said...

Did you like Twilight? Looks like everyone wants to know :)

Love all the fun pictures.

Brooke said...

So is little E ever going to get what he wants for christmas??? ;) You JUST saw twilight?!?!?!! Why did it take soooo long!?!?!? If it was money issues HECK! I would have sent ya the money for that!!! It's soooo important!!! ;) How did you like it!?!?!?! Congratulations on the big event of a new coat!!! you look great in red!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...