Wednesday, April 02, 2008

For My Speech Therapist's Amusement...

Little E: Gee, Mom, these Doritos sure are dood.
Me: Dood? Or good?
Little E: G-g-g-good. I like eating them. They’re dood.
Me: Did you say dood or good?
Little E: I’m not telling.
Mr. T: Just say, “they’re yummy”.
Little E: They are yummy. But they’re also dood.
Little E: Do you know what dood means, Mommy?
Me: What?
Little E: Dood means it’s NOT good. These are not good for your body. They are dood.
Me: Oh for heaven’s sake.


Kyle said...

That was beautiful! I had always wanted to know what "dood" meant, and now, thanks to Little E, I do. Thanks for sharing that wealth of knowledge.

Shauna said...

LOL! Love your response.

Unknown said...
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Marci said...

bahahahaha. Love it!! Love you

Jodie said...

Too hilarious! What a clever kid...

Anonymous said...

Little E noz wot is dood for him. At leest da tat hasn't dot his tung.



Former Speech-Language Pathologist monopolozing on Little E's fronting pattern of speech!!

singin'mama said...

They really are on another planet sometimes aren't they? So funny!

Stephanie said...

I love these conversations! You could put those in your upcoming book also. :)

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