Friday, April 25, 2008


I had a special moment today playing with my baby. One of those moments when you feel so much love, feel so incredibly blessed to be a mother that you actually have tears come to your eyes. I cherish those moments.

My three year old asked me this morning if love ends. And we had a good talk about different kinds of love but how a mother's love for her child never ever ends. I am so grateful to be a mother and experience that love.

My baby is growing up, and he is such a cheerful busybody! I adore his smile and am loving that when he wakes up now he no longer cries but plays and babbles until I approach and am greeted with his beautfiul two-toothed grin! I love his little feet and how he always crosses them while sitting. He is eating everything and hates to wear bibs... so we're into the messy stage too! He started clapping a while ago, and now whenever I say "good boy" he will clap for himself! Little E mentioned the other day how "obedient" Baby J is... when I say "open your mouth" while feeding him, he does... when I say "turn the page" while reading books, he does. This was fascinating to Little E, who then explained to Baby J how proud Jesus was of him for being obedient and what a good example he is.

Oh the moments. For some reason I have such an easier time putting words to my frustrations and complaints, and not so much to my joys and blessings. But I am sure that all of you Moms know that feeling, and know the joys too.


Shawny said...

That second picture is priceless! I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything!

Net said...

Good pictures. He is very photogenic. What a sweet baby. Don't you just wish they could stay this way forever (except for the messy eating parts)?

Carla said...

Oh so true!! Motherhood is the best!!

Stephanie said...

Motherhood is definitely the greatest blessing.

Anne Marie said...

It is so great to take the time to really enjoy the good times. Your baby is so beautiful. Being a mother is a very blessed job.

Amy said...

I love those moments! Little E is very Sweet.

Michelle said...

i love the moments when the tears come.

Anonymous said...

Never imagined this stage of being a father hearing his daughter speaking about motherhood.

And you think tears come to your eyes!

Love you...Dad

Hoosier Mama said...

Oh, he is a doll! You are a great example of siezing the moments!

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