Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Boys

This is how we're surviving a newborn at our house...

(yes, they're watching TV... and don't worry, Little E is at least wearing his underwear!)


Lori said...

I don't know what I would have done without cartoons and Disney movies after Elise was born - and that was only with 2. DON'T FEEL GUILTY FOR ONE SECOND!

Amy said...

oh, the joys of a precious newborn. Sleep is not one of them!

Ally said...

Bring on the movies and let the sleeping begin!! Take advantage of it.

Danielle and Derek said...

A belated congratulations on your new arrival - he is a precious angel! You are amazing for having survived such an ordeal! We wish you all the best.

Anne Marie said...

I totally miss watching Jared snuggle with our twins. Totally sweet picture of Greg and Jacob! Hey, TV is honestly a lifesaver in the postpartum weeks (or months, maybe years...).

Jenny said...

Is life with a newborn ever any different from how you are describing it? Gotta love how the hubbies get to "take their turn" with the baby while sleeping.

Anonymous said...

After 5 hours of the baby being awake, I came home, layed him on my lap on his tummy and he went to sleep. Most kids know at a very early age, don't mess with Dad. He's big and can be scary.

Mr. Man

Rachel said...

Now is the time for lowering standards, and WITHOUT guilt! Just get yourself some R&R, enjoy your little flock around you and know that you'll be back in the swing of things in the future!
Cute pictures!

Balancing & Blogging

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