Upon our arrival home from the hospital, Baby boy was immediately hungry. I went up to my bed to feed him, with my other two little boys following close behind. They were extremely curious about what I was doing. Mr. T with wide eyes, stared and asked, “What ARE you doing?” I told him I was feeding Baby boy. His immediate response was, “He’s eating YOU?” Thus ensued a short lesson on mammary glands and milk production.
A few days later, Little E was sitting next to me balking while I nursed. He didn’t say anything for a long time, but watched closely with great interest. He even put his ear up close at one point and I think he heard some swallowing. Eventually he spoke up, “Is that his water bottle?” I explained once again that the baby was drinking milk. He wanted to know WHY I had milk in my “boobies”. I told him that Heavenly Father knew that babies’ mommies need to feed them milk and so he helps their bodies to make the milk that they need. He thought about this for a moment and then explained his own theory: “You have big boobies and so you have milk. I don’t have big boobies, I have little boobies. I don’t have milk.” “No you don’t,” I replied, trying not to giggle. “Nope, I have lemonade in my boobies!”
This evening we were enjoying some outdoor time after being shut in for several days (Big J and Mr. T have had fevers and a flu bug). After a while Baby boy woke up and I was feeding him outside in a lawn chair. Big J came by right when I was burping him and inquired if I had actually fed him outside. I nodded in the affirmative and she gasped, “Well, that must have been embarrassing!”
I should make mention that this is Renee's 200th posting. Can you imagine how much time she has wasted writing these things?
PS - Breasts are best.
Mr. Man
Nothing is private once you have kids. It's so funny how their minds work.
Very funny! The things we have to explain to our kids.
I can't believe how much weight he's put on already! You truly make cream!
Chunky Monkey!
They say sex education should be taught in the home...there you go! Congrats girl! He's a cutie pie!
WOW!! My kids all lost weight initially and I had to fight to help them gain it back! SO cute. Yeah, kids have ALL kinds of creative takes on the concept of breast feeding. I think you're setting an awesome example for your kids.
congrats, renee! he is absolutely beautiful!
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