We bid our royal castle farewell last Friday and spent the day as lowly homeless peasants. It wasn't so bad actually. We frequented two fast food restaurants and were treated to another spin at Woodbine Mall (with the indoor amusements park - "Fantasy Fair").
Since Saturday we have enjoyed staying at a cottage on the beach. A three bedroom cottage, mind you... Julia has her own room and settled in immediately. Upon entering the cottage her first exclamation was, "Oh wow! We have a stove!" So, yeah, life has been good. The beach has been lovely and the lake fabulous during the heat wave that even swept up to the snow-peaked Canadian north. Yesterday we experienced a scary storm and were without electricity or water for what seemed like an eternity with young, sandy children! But less than 24 hours later, we are back to normal and I can get back online - the true necessity here! Tomorrow we pack up our beach gear and start our trek home.
Our summer has been an adventure, there have been growing pains, and other pains... but all in all we have enjoyed being together as a family and we've more than survived; we have prevailed triumphantly!
renee - i've loved hearing about all of your summer adventures! it's almost become my "summer read" since I haven't delved into anything else as fun!
We are soooo excited to have you all back. You haven't responded about the tomatoes so I'm really scared now! We'll get all caught up when you get back tomorrow.
I love the boys' matching shirts. You are quite the adventuring mom! Best of luck getting back to your normal groove.
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