Monday, August 21, 2006
Remembering the First Day of School
Wednesday, August 16th 2006.
While the date may not live in my memory forever, the events of today most definitely will. Today I sent my firstborn to school for the first time. What an event! BigJ's been waiting for this day for most of her life it seems, and I, with mixed feelings, know that it’s the right thing for her (and for my boys) but am not so sure it’s the right thing for me. I felt so torn this morning - sad, yet happy, uptight and quite calm. Anyways, it’s a milestone for both of us I suppose.
I've never seen my outogoing spirited ball of energy so quiet and shy. And yet, amidst her change in demeanor, SHE was still inside. And with 27 kids and one teacher, SHE had better be herself if she hopes to get an education. SHE had made this fun craft to put all her art and papers in so as to keep them from getting crinkled (a pringles tube with a picture she drew wrapped around it and contact paper over to protect). When I picked her up after the 2 1/2 hour absence, the first thing she did was reach inside her decorated pringle can to show me what she had drawn. The she told me what SHE had done. Apparently Mrs. Kindergarten Teacher had told her that "we don't roll up our pictures"... no, instead we smush them into our backpacks like all the other children and bring home a semblance of what once may have been a piece of paper with a drawing on it. I asked my sneaky child what she had done, since I'd just witnessed the un-rolling of said picture under scrutiny and was anxious to hear how the rolling had ensued. SHE answered, "I just waited for my teacher to walk away and then I rolled it up and put in in my container." Simple as that.
While I'm excited for my daughter to learn to read, to experience science class with rowdy boys with novel ideas, and basically thrilled for her to have yet another "teacher" in her life who will help her discover, entice her to explore her mind and her world, I also hope that as she grows and changes, more than a part of her will stay the same.
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I love the pics, Renee. Julia looks so grown up; I can't believe it. It is so hard to send your first child off to school. I remember how much I missed Taylor the first few weeks; it was not the same at home without him. Best of luck making the transition. Julia will do great, and before you know it, having her at school will feel like the most normal part of your day.
Oh, I'm not looking forward to that day either and it's coming sooner than expected. I've been adamant about waiting another year before starting Jaden since he won't be 5 until Nov. But since we didn't get in to any of the preschools we wanted, we've decided to go ahead and give it a try BUT we're hoping to get him in to the Spanish Immersion program (where they learn everything in Spanish) with the intention of having him repeat regular kindergarten next year since we'll be moving to a new city. Is this crazy?! I've talked to numerous kindergarten teachers who have all previoulsy encourged me to wait the extra year but they've all loved the idea of spanish immersion and repeating. It looks like I should blog on my own space about this and get off yours! But you'd probably have good input!!!
Good Luck with Mrs. Kindergarten. I think the teachers will be the biggeset challenge in school. Yay for Julia for not being discouraged by the teacher.
Oh Renee, I dread that day. Kindergarten here is full-day and I tear up every time I think about the fact that I only have 3 more years! I know, I'm pathetic. Good for YOU for being brave. And good for Julia too. She's an absolute doll.
I think you have the date wrong - September 16, 2006 hasn't happened yet. Do you mean August 16?
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