Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tribute to Tyler

Tyler is definately a super hero, and it is still strange to me that my little boy has entered this very big boy phase. His favourite colour is red... and that's also what colour his powers are. He wears his cape everywhere, just in case his help is needed. One time a frisbee got caught on the roof and he insisted we go home right away to get his cape so he could fly up to rescue it. While Tyler's parents are still in the discussing stages as to what weapons and weapon-play will be allowed... Tyler has improvised with sticks. Sticks started out as fishing rods and have increased into light sabers, swords and even guns. It's amazing how quickly that boy can find sticks! When asked who his favourite super heros are, Tyler will reply Darth Vader, Captain Hook and Alex Ritchie (an older friend)! Strange though, that he wants to be the bad guy all the time. He's always looking for the biggest stick to be Captain Hook, while as Peter Pan I get the small puny one - perhaps I do see his logic in wanting to be the bad guy.

(Figuring out a plan to rescue the maiden in distress!)

Still, there's something sweet to be said about a little super hero who still needs his owie kissed. It's really quite lovely when Darth Vader crawls into your lap and assures you that you don't have to be scared because, "we're just playing Mommy... it's me, Tyler". It's absolutely priceless to have a little boy so infatuated with super heros that when he kneels down to say his bedtime prayers with you, he comments that "Jesus is the best super hero". Maybe I will be able to adjust to this new big boy phase after all.


Jenny said...

This is exactly why I LOVE to have boys, don't you? This post made me teary eyed!! So cute!

Anonymous said...

As Dad helped me unload stuff from the trunk yesterday, he questioned several sticks next to the boxes. Not only had I brought home from Brampton his boxes, more importantly I had memories of Tyler--the sticks will stay in the trunk for awhile--the boxes have come out!!!

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