Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Freckle Falsehood

Julia is starting to get some summer freckles on her face. Daddy commented that he was pretty sure that freckles came from not telling the truth. A look of concern crossed Julia's face for a moment but was quickly replaced with a knowing smile as she replied, "Actually, you get freckles each time you listen and obey!" (Note: one of our family rules is to listen and obey!) Just now she was staring in the mirror (which she does on a far too regular basis) and commented, "Wow, I must be listening a lot!"


Michelle said...

that is TOO cute...Julia, wise beyond her years :)

Kristy said...

Adorable! That's funny that she was concerned, but knew that she is a good listener. And obeyer. :)

Balancing & Blogging

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