Two for Togetherness
*I was tagged on another blog to complete this about my husband.
Two things you compliment your husband on while in his presence:
1. His absolutely fabulous smile.
2. His ability to explain absolutely anything to absolutely anyone (a very gifted teacher).
Two compliments you make about your spouse to your friends:
1. What a great father he is and how much he helps out in the home… for example, we have a deal (at his proposal) where he washes the dishes – a job I hate - every night after dinner as long as I will play the piano – which I love to do and seldom give myself time for.
2. What a hard worker he is in everything he undertakes. The man is a machine!
Two traits you married him/her for:
1. (Just two? I’ve wanted to marry this man since I was 10!) I love his dedication to family.
2. I married him because he makes me want to be a better person. I remember thinking that if I wasn’t going to end up marrying Greg that it was going to be awfully hard to find someone to marry because I now I knew that everything I ever wanted was available.
Two days you cherish the most with your husband being together:
1. This is tough… so many memories to sift through and choose. Probably when Tyler was born and Greg stayed with me, played games with me, and coached me through my first scary vbac. I never even would have tried it without him. It was very special. It was our triumph together.
2. Our wedding day, of course!
Two material things you could give your husband if you just inherited a fortune:
1. A sailboat.
2. A mustang.
Two things you would miss the most if she/he left for two weeks:
1. Our sex life for sure.
2. Talking, hugging, laughing, sharing, yes his cooking too… gosh, what wouldn’t I miss?!
(This is kind of an ironic question since I was recently trying to think of reasons why I shouldn’t go back home for the rest of the summer… not being with Greg was that reason. And when he asked me to stay, well, it was like being asked to marry him all over again… of course I said yes!)
Two thoughts that crossed your mind when you first met/saw your spouse:
I don’t particularly remember the first time I met him… I was 9 or 10. I remember loving his smile even then. But when we re-met after his mission, here’s what crossed my mind:
1. He has the most beautiful face ever.
2. Do I hug him or shake his hand?
(By the way, I went in for the shake and he said, “whatever, I want a hug”… as I hugged him my Stake President was standing behind me and winked at me! About 9 days later we were engaged!)
Two favourite dates:
1. Kissing in a tent in ‘Novacks’.
2. Horseback riding on the beach and in the mountains of Oahu.
Two funny odd things you love:
1.Greg will purse his lips out and kind of sniff every so often. I’m not sure if it’s to check on his nose hairs, smell if his lips have my chapstick on them or what! It cracks me up… but I like to think he’s practicing his kissing techniques. (He will probably die that I am writing this – it is too cute!)
2. How he can make you forget the “right” word or the “right way to say something” by saying something so incorrect yet so close to the correct way that your brain can’t think straight!
Two places you have lived with your spouse:
1. Temple View Apartments at BYU-Hawaii
2. Lawrence, Kansas
Two favourite vacations:
1. Our honeymoon.
2. July 1-4th last year – boating up in Georgian Bay, just the two of us.
Two People I am tagging:
1. Keeping up with the Bloomington Jones'
2. Camie and Matt
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
Hey stranger! Found your blog via Camie's. Hope you all are doing well.
very sweet...has Greg read this?
He has and was slightly pink afterwards! I love my man!
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