The older I get the less judgmental I am, the more open to others I become, and the word "tolerance" takes on a whole new meaning. It bothers me that, in this world, tolerance is an achievement and something we teach and seek for. To me, tolerance, is a pitiful excuse. Acceptance, understanding, empathy, and love would be much better traits to build, reinforce and achieve. I believe in God. And I have felt His love. I have felt His love for me,
and I believe that I have felt His love for others as well. Sharing that love, whether or not its Source is known, is monumental for me in my beliefs.
I have read books by authors that resonate with me deeply and spiritually. Eckhart Tolle and Max Lucado are two that have, through their words and insights, brought me closer to God and helped me to feel that love. But right now, I do not believe in a God that only provides a path for some of his children. I believe there are many ways to feel God's love, many ways to worship, love and demonstrate devotion. I believe there are many ways back to God, if you will. And because I am the sort of person who does things all the way, or not at all (100% or nothing), I am having a very hard time accepting a religion that defines itself as the only, one true way and demands its followers to undeniably believe in that one, and only way.
I have found so much peace in my current spiritual journey. And it encompasses so much more than I would ever know how to put into words on the internet. I appreciate all the love and concern that so many of you feel, but I don't feel like I need to be added to your prayers and best wishes. I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time. I have peace, light, and the spirituality I need and desire.
My biggest concern, and purpose for bringing this up, is to find a way and a spiritual path for my family that will combine my beliefs with my husband's and a way to teach our children not only what we both believe, but allow them the openness to question and discover for themselves.
I have recently listened to an interesting podcast series:
"Raising Children in a Non-Traditional LDS Home" and was inspired by some of the ideas, and extremely put off by others. I am looking for a way, either religious or spiritual, to bring our family together on this journey. Well wishes and advice in that endeavor would be greatly appreciated. And I am happy to have any of you, my dear friends, call or email so we can share ideas and inspiration. Thanks to those who have already done so.