Monday, August 08, 2011

Older... but maybe not wiser!

{pondering on what wish to make}

I am officially done school for three weeks. Lovely. My birthday made it official and I turned in my final exam after spending time on an empty campus completing it. Again, lovely. The next day, I checked my grades, since they were due to be posted. My professor had posted on the online forum that she was incredibly impressed with the class' final and our good arguments and so forth. I felt good as I clicked to see my final exam score. And then I saw that it was 0%. Ummm... not feeling so good anymore. I thought maybe she hadn't finished grading all of the finals yet. So I checked back a little later. Again, 0% and I was able to see the entire class' spectrum of grades and averages. Not looking good. Next I checked the online dropbox where I had submitted my final, only to find that it said I had 0 submissions for the final exam. 0 submissions definitely equates 0%, but I was certain I had completed it and turned it in. Because it was after the due date, I couldn't submit it. So after calming my heart down from it's potential sprint out of my body, I emailed my teacher. I explained the process of discovery and how I wasn't sure what had happened but please could I turn in my final exam or else let me know the course of action to take to have it considered. Then I went to attach my final, and remembered that in a moment of glory and feeling completion I had put all the coursework from that class in the recycle bin on the computer. Thankfully it hadn't emptied and I searched through it until I found the right attachment. Send. Then I called Mr. Man to ask what he thought she would do. Apparently she did have the right to deny me, but Mr. Man thought that if he had a good student not turn in the final he would be curious and probably contact them. Life went on and I was babysitting and at the park with all the kids when Mr. Man called to say my prof had emailed to say "no problem, I'll grade it right now." Whew. Anything is better than 0%. And so it was that within a few hours I went from a 0% grade to a 100% grade! Lovely. I have been spoiled to pieces and enjoyed every minute of it. Getting older is good. Getting wiser would be fabulous!

{the after effects of 31 candles}


The Wilsons said...

Happy birthday--so glad everything worked out with your final!

Steve and Donna said...

I like getting wiser and like the effects of your 'smoke' picture :)

Memories On The Go said...

Love the 31 candles--did the smoke detector go off?? Thanks for calling and sharing this situation with me and I continue to maintain that you were and are very wise!! Had you not checked so often and waited a few days--that would have been 'unwise'!

lani said...

Happy Birthday!! Way to go, A++ girl. I don't think I ever got a 100% on a final!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...