Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fresh Start

Miss J is in 5th Grade this year! Next year she heads to middle school. (I never went to middle school. For some reason middle school really scares me.) She was all about her outfit, as usual, even though it was a warm day, she picked the double sweaters on top and jeans to go with her flats. This girl is now over 5 feet and wears the same size shoes as I do - a large women's 10! I still think of her as my little girl and wonder how on earth the boys will survive without her to take care of them at their school next year... and look how grown up she looks with her friends! Beautiful girl, inside and out I tell ya.
Mr. T still loves him his collared shirts, but threw on a pair of shorts he found on the floor of his room before I made him select a pair of clean, folded ones! I love how he wears his pants and shorts so high and also his socks!!! (Looks a little British, eh Dad?!) This boy is smart and popular and was excited for the first day of 3rd Grade!!! (How did this day come? Wasn't he just home for kindergarten?!)
Little E didn't want to get out of bed the first day. He openly said, "I refuse to go to school and you can't make me." Mr. Man's response was to call his friend who is a police officer and have him escorted to school. My response was to ignore it and get him through the motions and to school. Once we got to the playground he was off and I didn't even get a goodbye hug. I love his recent style. Long hair, which he is still growing, but I forced him to get trimmed just to clean it up a bit. He's into vests these days and is usually sporting his cowboy boots. With the glasses, he reminds me of the Beatles! It's all of his own accord, and check out the attempt at NOT smiling!
I mean really...

Then there's Little J. NOT THRILLED about going to preschool. Even though it's only one day a week of formal preschool this year, and the rest of the time with me at home. This was the best I could get of him... another day. According to his teacher, he fared quite well, but oh the tears that were shed!
It's a fun time to take a picture of what my kids' ages and stages are, and I had to record it. Tomorrow I'm going to share how I organize all of their school stuff... since this fresh start always requires more organization as well.

1 comment:

Memories On The Go said...

Oh my, how they are all growing up! Indeed you have been blessed with such wonderful children. I am so grateful to have them as my grandchildren :) The photos really capture each of their unique personalities. You and Mr Man are doing a great job raising these 4 individuals.

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