Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good Morning!

Our camping trip was. More details to follow.

Needless to say, it is good to be home.

The morning is gorgeous and I went outside to tend to my gardens. With the sun on my back I would have been happy to be picking weeds, but instead I picked all of these:

It's bound to be a good day.

Before I forget, I also want to share one of the "overheards" that occured on our drive to the Lake.

after some sort of sound effect
Miss J: "Why do boys ALWAYS make sound effects?"
Mr. T: "Because girls don't.... why DON'T girls make sound effects?"
Miss J: "Because they're loud and unhelpful."
Mr. T: "They are too helpful!"
Miss J: "Only for boys."

Made me laugh!!!


Scott and Tisha said...

Love the berry's and too funny of a conversation. I love seeing Miss J's logical side of it and Mr T's creative side.

Kyle said...

I've got to say that I do enjoy sound effects, especially making them myself! However, I could give you a long list of girls who make more sound effect than I do (and that's saying something!).

The Wilsons said...

Wow--those look awesome! And I always love reading kids' conversations. :) I've enjoyed catching up on your blog in snippets here and there today. I'm excited to hear about the camping trip that "was."

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