Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Staples

I mentioned to my friend the other day that we had been lucky this summer with so few scrapes and bruises. Apparently I should have knocked on wood; since uttering that comment I think we have scraped and bruised every last knee and elbow in the family at least once. These just SIT on my bathroom counter now waiting. They are definately our summer staples, along with helmets and popsicles. (And can I just tell you how much it pains this anal retentive Mom to see that I opened that pack of bandaids upside down everytime I go in that bathroom! I know... I need help.)
Sunday I was geting dressed for church and came down to see this:

Love when these four little monkeys can actually get along and play nicely. And LOVE that Mom sent us a new UNO game in her package... it's a huge hit over here!
You should also know that I sat down and played with them. It turned ugly though, as Miss J had dealt the cards and had given herself all the black pick-up-fours and change colour cards! We had a brief lesson on honesty and playing fair, and then a little lesson on name calling (as the boys were apt to point fingers and call her a "cheater cheater pumpking eater" - what does THAT even mean or come from??!)
Also, if you look closely, my sweet baby in the adorable hat is holding a square ruler thingy. His Grandma got him a cute little construction set while we were vacationing. It had all sorts of little tools that made noises, and yet he immediately picked up the square, called it his gun and has held it ever since. Seriously, he will not put it down. The minute he wakes up he looks for it, and starts pointing it and making shooting noises. Where have my values gone? Yet, he is so cute with it. I think we will both cry when he loses it.


Debbi said...

See, MY anal rententiveness would have be taping that box back up with clear tape and opening the top.

just to look prettier.

Yep. I'm sick.

lani said...

I love boys--every stick/random object can and will be turned into a weapon. I love that little hat on him--too cute. And glad we aren't the only ones who deal with cheating issues when playing games. I can't imagine why my kids are so competitive!? :)

Amy said...

I was just going to say, "tape up the box and open the top" and then I noticed the first comment. Funny.

Your kids are so cute playing uno together! Your baby is so cute in that hat!

I have often considered buying stock in Band Aids. We use them with great frequency.

Missy said...

SO funny about your summer staples. We are so the same. I cannot believe how big your kids have gotten! SO fun about your femminist J. Love it!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...