Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

{Little E picked this book up at a yard sale and these three have spent hours reading page after page of random things like the history of Volkswagen and twin carburetors... all I know is, they have a great Dad}

This is my husband's new favourite quote on fatherhood:

"Nothing in literature prepares a father for his role. Motherhood is swamped with books - poetic, fictional, factual. No authority discourses on the prenatal and postpartum care of young fathers.

Fatherhood, for me, has been less a job than an unstable and surprising combination of adventure, blindman's bluff, guerrilla warfare, and crossword puzzles."
-Fredrick F. Van de Water

1 comment:

Amy said...

How cute that Mr. Man reads a VW book to them! Love that father's day quote!

We just did a lemonade stand too! Ours was non profit though and we served the YM after a service project. I love that Miss J makes lists for her summer camp! Those were way fun ideas.

I love Pride and Prejudice- especially the one with Keira Knightly. I am so sad that Your Hubby changed the channel. So not like the Batchelorette of Desperate HW's.

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