Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Family Ties

We've had a lot of contention in our home lately. I think birthdays sort of do that: personal attention is used as leverage, and new gifts and belongings used to manipulate and bribe. At any rate, it drives me mad watching sibling rivalry - even though I am quite aware that it is normal, expected and probably passed down directly through my genes. However, I have a great desire to raise children who will love and look out for each other, who will become adults who will continue to encourage, praise and protect one another. I would love for them to have awesome relationships, and it would be really nice if they could play well together too. And so the fighting is discouraging. But it also makes the moments like the one pictured above all the sweeter. When, without any prompting, one will see a need and come to the other's aid. When the words "I love you" are spoken freely and with meaning. When sharing takes place without any expected trade-off, and when a favourite story is read by a beginning reader and not a word of complaint is muttered but only ongoing support for the struggle. These are the family ties that bind. It's what gives me hope.


Shawny said...

This is one of my greatest hopes as well. I wish you luck in your quest. If you have any sure-proof tips, let me know!

Amy said...

I love this post!What a sweet picture. I too want to foster ties that bind. I often tell my girls how lucky they are to have each other and how I longed for a sister most of my life (and often still do)

Congratulations to Greg! What a sense of enormous accomplishment he must feel. Is it your turn now???

Mamabug said...

Great picture and good reflection. Sibling rivalry - yes I know a thing or two about that. I am finding it challenging to figure out how to make things fair and then I realized that it doesn't always need to be fair. Not being fair is a good life lesson.

Boyz Zone said...

That is beautiful! Miss you!

Carla said...

What a great post! As you know it drives me nuts too. I should focus more on those sweet moments and remember and praise them more.

Donna's Next Chapter Art said...

Amen, sister!

Balancing & Blogging

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