Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Spring Thing

The weather has been temptingly beautiful. We've spent wayyyyyy too much time outside ignoring our indoor duties. Mr. Man even sported a beautiful bright red sunburn from our weekend adventure (though I am still pasty white). I really need to pack away the winter gear and pull out the summer hats and such, but I'm afraid to jinx the weather by doing so.

Yesterday was unusually gorgeous, and so we planned to hit the park the minute Miss J and Little E returned from school. I think the entire town had the same idea, and slowly all of our friends gathered for a fun, relaxing afternoon. Because we had "planned" our park outing, and knowing we would want to stay for consistently "five more minutes"... I planned ahead with a crock pot meal and we returned home to soup simmering and rolls rising. It's a beautiful thing. Funny how we typically think of crock pots as a winter meal plan... but I've been noticing how handy they are during the early spring, when you still want soups and heavier dishes, but want to be outside (not preparing dinner in a hot kitchen). We'll be flying kites with friends on Thursday and will have dinner waiting for us upon our return once again. I love it.
Soup from yesterday: Cheesy Broccoli Soup
(a recipe from my sister-in-law, is the kids' absolute most favourite soup, and all the ingredients can be bought at your local Aldis - should you have one nearby)
tall carton/jug of half&half
2 pkg. frozen broccoli
1 15oz?) bottle cheeze wiz
2 cans cream of celery soup

I usually put it all in on high around lunch time, stir and turn down to low after an hour and we eat between 5:30 and 6:00. Easy and delicious!

What are some of your favourite crock pot recipes?


Shawny said...

Love your roll rising mechanism! I need to remember that.

Steve saw you all on your way to the park yesterday. Too bad he feels compelled to avoid any form a gathering that would include moms other than myself. Just not enough stay-at-home dads around the place.

Glad you guys had fun and had dinner waiting to boot!

Jeff and Kylie said...

I too LOVE my crockpot. I use it year round to make everything from soups, stuffed peppers, pork chops, chicken cordon bleu and even spiced cider. There is nothing better than a meal waiting for you and no hot kitchen or way too many pans!

Amy said...

Special trips, crushes and crockpot dinners on glorious spring days . . . I don't know how I let so many posts slip by me. I guess I am not the most avid blogger. I loved how beautifully you wrote your crushes post:)
Have you seen that 365 days of crockpotting blog?

Laura said...

I'm making 15-bean soup in my slow cooker tomorrow! Great minds think alike, I guess! LOL

Jenn said...

We tried this soup last week & it was a big hit! Thanks for sharing!

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