Thursday, March 26, 2009

On our Way

…Speaking of homosexuality, this was in all honesty our conversation on our walk home from bringing Miss J to school this morning:

E: “Mom, why can’t brothers really marry sisters? Cause there’s nobody left for Miss J and I to marry except each other.”
M: “Maybe when we move you’ll find a nice girl to marry, and Miss J will find a nice boy. You have plenty of time.”
T: “But you have to find someone who goes to our church too, so that you can get married in the temple.”
E: “Yeah, and it has to be a girl. Boys can only marry girls.”
T: “I’m going to find a littler girl than me to marry. I want to be bigger than her and older too.”
M: “Just like Daddy is bigger and older than me?”
T: “Yeah. When you were one, he was three. And when you were four he was six!”
E: “Boys can’t marry boys, and girls can’t marry girls.”

M: “Why not?”
E: “Because then they can’t have babies.”
M: “Why not?”
T: “Because you need an egg from a Mommy and a sperm from a Daddy.”

M: “That’s right.”
E: “And if two boys married, you’d have two Daddies and no Mommy, and then there would be nobody to tell you what to do; no Mommy!”
T: “No Mommy?!”

E: “Yeah. You better marry a girl.”
T: “A righteous one.”


libbie said...

Yes . . . a righteous girl would be nice!

Jennifer said...

I love hearing about your kids have taught them so well....I am always impressed :)

Debbi said...

NO MOMMY TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!? What would this world come to!? lol

Your kids are cute.

Amy said...

m still laughing . . . out of the mouths of babes . . .

When you edit my book again . . . don't let it be horribley written ok?:)

KVB said...

I don't suppose you explained the difference between marriage and civil union ;)

Brooke said...

They are so cute!!!
soo....... does that mean that you have already had "the talk"?

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...