Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Since I'm sort of into being a safe blogger while staying public, I thought I'd pass along another safety infraction I've discovered recently. Some of you may realize that my blog no longer sports that great song that has become my theme song. The playlist I used changed their style, and with it decided to post my "username" at the top of the playlist on my blog. This meant that both my first and last name were now in full view. I've noticed this on several of your blogs as well. So you may want to create a new, unidentifiable, username, or remove your playlist. (Since I'm lazy, that's what I did for now.) Just trying to keep us all safe!


Jennifer said...

Cool thanks. I'm getting ready to be a safer blogger (getting rid of last names and changing J's name to just J. Good tip.

I'm just starting The Hours tonight.

Mamabug said...

Thanks for the safety info. I will pass it along! How is the job hunting coming?

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...