Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten graduation … what can I say? I was the pregnant Mom on the front row (with her foot up in the air) bawling her eyes out! Why is this such a big deal? They sang a few songs, the teachers and principal spoke for a few brief minutes and then they got their certificates. The songs were fun and made everyone else around me laugh, and here I am dabbing at my eyes, not even attempting to hide the alligator tears making their way from my chin to a direct hit on my belly. My little girl is growing up!
(Everytime people cheered or clapped, Little E would cover his ears - he has a double ear infection, but he also HATES loud, unexpected noises, and was rather upset about the whole ordeal!)
Life has been full of adventures again as of late. Mom has been a miracle worker and I think I’ve shortened her life span by at least 10 years. We’ve had everything from puking, to diarrhea , potty accidents, major temper tantrums, double ear infections, a dentist appointment where I almost passed out (another great memory and story!) and so forth. Today was a fun “last day of school” and we started some new traditions. We had, for breakfast, waffle ice cream sandwiches. I grew up with these on the last day of seminary with my seminary teacher and the kids were thrilled – though Mr. T got a brain freeze at breakfast! We had chocolate milk with lunch and later after speech therapy we hit the pool for some swimming and obeying of my doctors’ orders! Grandma then treated us to McDonalds as the thought of washing any dinner dishes was too much after such a long day!
(With her teacher)
(The bench we spent hours on this year, as the boys and I walked to school - with our wagon usually - and waited for Big J to be let out of class)

Mr. Man, always THE man, had flowers delivered for Big J and they are gorgeous and just what she needed to feel extra special on her last day of kindergarten. She was so nervous about her graduation and kept saying she hoped she wouldn’t cry in front of everyone. She kept talking to Mr. T about how wonderful he had done at his preschool recognition ceremony and how could he not have been nervous. Mr. T was so cool about it and kept telling her it was no big deal and she’d be just fine. She was! Afterwards she said the blessing at our lunch and she thanked Heavenly Father for giving her the strength to not cry and be happy at her graduation. What a special sweetheart I have!


Anonymous said...

What a great post!! I can't believe how grown up your girl is. And major props to Mr. Man for the flowers. I'm impressed.

Rachel said...

Great pictures!
I do the exact same thing at any of my kids events or programs! And I'm not even pregnant! It still blows me away that I AM A MOTHER and that I have these kids that are doing all these things...anyway.
A very cool move for the daddy to get his little girl flowers! We need more men like that around! We were in Target the other day and walked by some flowers. Bri said to me, "Hey, you could get some flowers if you want." Don't get me wrong...he is wonderful in so many, many ways, but that was just too much! Ha!

Anne Marie said...

How cute! The flowers were so sweet for Julia. So glad you have your mom there with you. And you are a total champ.

Dana and ohana said...

Congrats Big J. Now off th 1st grade. Good luck!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to stay connected while I am in England and share in the graduation memories through your blog. I am so glad I got to talk with Julia before I left.

Give everyone my love from over 'ome.


Kristy said...

How sweet! Mr. Man rocks. I can't believe Big J is so big.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...