Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dinner Conversation

We had carrot cake for dessert this evening and after everyone had a slice and there was one remaining, Mr. T starting his subtle requests for more. I explained that everyone had had a slice except the baby, and so the last piece was for Mommy to eat so that the baby could have some too. He wasn’t too thrilled with my response, so I promised him that whenever he was pregnant I would make him a whole carrot cake to eat all by himself. Grandma asked him if that would ever happen and he gave the most sour expression you have ever seen! (I don’t think I make being pregnant look too enjoyable!) Then Grandma turned to Big J next and asked her if she would ever be pregnant, her response nearly made me choke: “Yes, of course! Only girls can be pregnant… the boys lay the eggs!”

Mr. Man and I have finally made a decision about our baby's name, and so I've been starting to call him by his name so that the kids would slowly catch on. They are not too thrilled with our choice... Big J favors Prince Eric, and Mr. T would love to have a brother named Luke Skywalker (or just Skywalker if I'd rather!). Tonight at dinner we were discussing the fact that regardless, his name is his name and we could call him other things like, "cutie pie" or "sweet baby" but he does have a real name too. Little E is quite adament that he's NOT what we named him, but IS R2D2! He even brought me a picture of the little robot to make it clear what he was saying. I think we may have some surprises on our hands when this little guy makes his presence more felt in our family! For now we just have some rather interesting dinner conversations!


Lori said...

That's really funny about how boys lay the eggs...

When I was pregnant with Ava, my nephew, who was 3 at the time, wanted to name the baby Robot 2 or Spaceship. :)

libbie said...

I think you were definitly right . . . you should have got the last piece of carrot cake!

Ally said... what name did you choose? WE WANT TO KNOW!!!

My Many Coloured Days said...

We've decided not to use any real names on here - but I'll happily tell you in person!

Anne Marie said...

Very funny suggestions from the kiddos! I think you're going to have to e-mail us curious friends what the baby's name will be.

Kristy said...

If Christopher had gotten his way, Nate would have been "Clark Kent" Merrill.

I would give serious consideration to "R2-D2," though. It's catchy!

Rachel said...

Yum...carrot cake. And I think you have a rather valid argument there.

My boys did not like the name we chose for a few weeks, but they wuickly got over it and now love her name!

I respect your decision not to use any real names...but as a result, I have no idea what your kids names are..except your little girl. Ha!

Rachel said...

excuse the spelling...quickly, not wuickly.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...