Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good Books

I have one evening class a week. This is what I came home to last night. Makes my heart happy. Really happy. I watched for a while then grabbed my camera to capture the happy moment.

We have a beginner reader in our home again... one of my most favourite times... and so we're back to checking out Mo Willems' amazing Elephant and Piggie books. I'd forgotten just how funny they are - obviously for the WHOLE family! If I HAD to pick a favourite, it would be We Are in a Book (reminds me of THIS book from my childhood). Mr. Man read that one last night as well as Today I will Fly, Watch Me Throw the Ball, and My Friend is Sad. If you haven't read any of Mo's books, you should!!! I guarantee you'll at least smile... most likely giggle.
I was selling back some books to the university bookstore today, and I had two adorable old ladies helping me. As they looked through my books to analyze the resale value, they found several paint chips, which I use for my bookmarks. Several were bright green, and they questioned me on it. I explained that my four year old's favourite colour is green and that since he's my youngest and I'm starting to figure out how short childhood is, we let him pick the colour to paint a stripe in his room. One of the older ladies was in awe and said she thought that was such a nice idea to let a child choose the colour for their room. She turned to her co-worker to see what she thought, and this sweet old lady sneered and said, "I think it's nice they get to have their own bedroom - spoiled kids!" I had to smile. Because, yes I recognize that my kids are spoiled, but also because of her immediate honesty. I didn't try to defend that fact that there are usually several empty beds in our home each night because most of the kids all sleep together, and I didn't feel the need to defend that fact that we lived in 900 square feet for years before having three bedrooms for four kids... I just pictured last night, and the feeling of knowing my kids are spoiled changed to a feeling of gratitude for recognizing how blessed we are: a bed for everyone, a room with a green stripe, books to read together, and a family to love.


Arseneault Family said...

Amen to that! :)

Scott and Tisha said...

Great pictures- i will have to check out those books for sure!

The Wilsons said...


I always love reading your blog. Thank you for all that you share!

I am giving a talk this Sunday on service and was wondering if you would grant me permission to read this post:

Keep up the great work. You are an example to many.

Jennifer :)

My Many Coloured Days said...

Jennifer - that was a fun post, of COURSE you can share it! Hope you're doing well.

The Wilsons said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! We're doing all right, trying to adjust to life in UT (deciding whether or not we're really happy to be here! :)). We miss Virginia, for sure. Ah,'s a new adventure, right?

P.S. Sorry I don't comment more often...but I am always lurking...learning from what you have to say. Thanks again!
P.S. #2 When did Miss J get so old?!? ;) She's are they all. Great family you have!

Roy Saunderson said...

I always remember trying to build up the climax at the end of the Sesame Street book...a monster being there...and of course, doing my best Grover voice impersonation to add effect.

Glad your family has similar traditions and making wonderful memories.

Love, Dad

Stephanie said...

Your little Miss J plays beautifully. Sorry about the tonsil surgery, that's not fun. :( You have such a beautiful family. Sorry I stink at getting on here sometimes. I go through spurts of the blogs and then it takes me forever to get caught up. I think of you guys and hope you love MT. Do you get to Canada much? Kevin's side of the family (Mom's) is all in Alberta. We are headed there again this summer.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...