Monday, January 09, 2012

My Baby Girl - Originally Drafted 12/22/11

This is what happens to chubby screaming babies after 11 years:

I know you want one.

This girl is AMAZING!

Love the gracious receiver that she is, and the excitement that emanates from her as she presumes to have "all her dreams come true!"

We treated her out to a surprise dinner at a restaurant (a rarity for us), and everyone was still dressed up from school Christmas concerts, so it seemed extra special. Putting up with these three brothers has, I'm sure, added to my little girl's character, personality, and spunk too!
Happy Birthday baby girl!


Scott and Tisha said...

They sure do grow up quick- you made my day, two blog posts to read- missed ya!

Miss C said...

love the matching sweaters and she is stunning, what a mix of her parents!

Balancing & Blogging

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