Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Finite Parenthood

Every morning, as I wake my kiddos up, I ask them if they dreamed. If so, I want to hear all about it. This morning, two of my kids had very detailed dreams to tell, and they required my undivided attention to do so. Of course, another child playing piano needed me, lunches had to be made, and even as I tried to use the bathroom briefly - one child followed me in desperate to show me an idea for a brother's birthday that he just had to show me right now (even though the birthday is MONTHS away!) Any parent knows the constant commotion of need that occurs when you have children. Feigning interest is easily apparent, yet always being "completely there" takes a toll as well. I find myself saying, much too often, "I can only help one person at a time... just a minute and I can help you too." And really, it's good for us all to learn patience, but it's also exhausting; exhausting having to wait, and exhausting having to wait on. I know I am not alone in wishing for multiple me's.

Recently I re-read a book that delves deeply into spiritual theory and our relationships with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all those around us. "The Shack" is a fabulous read that opens your eyes and minds to the potential of relationships as well as our understanding and personal acceptance of God in our lives. I've returned the book to the library, so I can't quote it precisely, but there was an instance where the protagonist, who is spending the weekend with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, asks God how it is that she (God is initially portrayed as a large, booming and hilarious African American woman with attitude) can take this time to be JUST with him. He wonders if there aren't more pressing needs for God to attend to. The answer given to him basically explains the parenting secret I can only hope and dream of. God is an infinite God. God can be with all people all the time... and not only that, but God can give ALL of himself to each person ALL of the time. The thought blows me away. And yet it also makes me re-think my entire relationship with God and how available he is to me, and how I can't possibly bother or burden him because he is ALL there for me ALL the time.

I often wonder what lessons I should be learning from some of the mundane and monotonous tasks and trials in life (like cleaning bathrooms). I find answers or thoughts that make sense to me and help me press forward instead of just enduring.

Discovering this difference, and being able to experience finite parenthood, makes me oh so grateful for an infinite father. While God may make me wait, and definitely helps me to learn patience, knowing that he is always there in his immeasurable greatness with unlimited time and endless love is a gesture nothing short of a miracle.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful writer you are. Well said.

Roy Saunderson said...

Good to know God has been there for me on TOO many occasions to number. I guess it is the quality of being "fully present" we can best learn from Him.

Carla said...

fascinating. i just always thought of it as a time thing... He has infinite time. that's why He's able to spend what seems like all of it with me... that is really interesting to think that He can give all of Himself to each of us. oh to be able to do that! parenting would be far less frustrating!

Hallie @ Moxie Wife said...

Such a beautiful post!

I've always loved Saint Therese's reflections on how work and prayer are not to be divorced from each other but rather how work becomes a prayer when it is performed with the right intention. Isn't that a lovely thought?

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

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