Monday, March 24, 2008

Hakuna Matada

So I’ve consulted my crystal ball, spent some time pondering the perplexities of blogging and gotten over some of my issues that made me take a brief pause. I hate having my words thrown back in my face, I’m puzzled over some of you and your reasons for reading my blog, but I’ve decided to ignore that, not privatize my blog for the time being, and attempt to continue recording my many coloured days.

Mostly though, I’ve missed blogging. I’ve spent a good hour this morning catching up on all of your blogs, and then there is the fact of how boring my journal gets when I’m convinced nobody is going to be reading it. I admit, I like an audience. That fact alone terrifies me. I’ve also been toying with the idea of actually writing a book. See what you’ve done to me? You’ve motivated me and made me feel competent. Scary things could happen.

Mostly though I’ve caught up on some projects, taken a trip up to Canada, hosted some family for Easter, been dealing with a hormonal seven year old daughter, and just lived out my many coloured days (mostly) computer-free.

For your viewing pleasure… here’s what a bit of sugar (okay, it was a lot) can do to a lazy Sunday afternoon:


Camie said...

Welcome back!! And don't worry--I love an audience too!! If we didn't--we would just write in our private journals!

Shawny said...

Good to have you back MMCD!

Jodie said...

Oh good, I was hoping you'd come back. Here's to strange people lurking on our blogs (um, not really).

Hoosier Mama said...

Yeah, I'm glad you're blogging again!
That's what our boys were doing on easter as well. i think beckham permanantly stained his easter shirt from all the chocolate and drool repeatedly spilled, wiped, and spit onto his shirt. OH well.

Shauna said...

Welcome back! Missed you!

Anne Marie said...

Welcome back! Clearly, you write well and have an interesting life, thus all the inquiring minds out there. Sorry. That is some amazing swordplay. I'm very impressed.

Jennifer said...

So glad you are back. Hope all is well.

singin'mama said...

It's funny. While you are coming to grips with why you love blogging and sharing, I'm coming to grips with why I tend to avoid it! I love reading your blog, and would be the first in line for your book! You truly have a gift for writing that just sucks you in. Now, get busy writing!

Rachel Clare said...

I would SO buy your book!! Let me know when it's for sale!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...