Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Don't get me started...

I’m grumpy. No I’m not PMSing… I’m just tired and grumpy. I’ve been stuffing my face full of chocolate for the last few days and even that is not taking away the grumpiness… taking the edge off perhaps, but still… it exists nevertheless. In the past few weeks we’ve had the croupe, ear infections, a bronchial infection, flus and colds, a sinus infection, a back injury, and the shingles. Not to mention bad dreams and 2 new baby teeth. I don’t think I’ve slept for more than an hour in a row in several weeks. It is truly a miracle that amidst the lack of sleep, hovering germs, the multitude of doctor visits and my non-vitamin C chocolate diet that I have stayed healthy. I’m grateful, really. But I’m still grumpy.

I’ve had a lot of successes lately too. I’ve completed a plethora of projects, kept my house relatively clean, hosted a couple of social gatherings, kept atop my primary president responsibilities, been a “good mom” most of the time, and so forth. Am I convincing you?

I, however, am not fooled.

I hate when I get the grumpies. This morning was bad. Several non-living things in my house were called “stupid” and when my broken scraper (yes, we’re still scraping our cars over here) refused to do its job and I ending up having to haul all the kids to walk Miss J to school without slipping on the black ice it truly seemed like the end of the world. Mr. Man is my solace, and has reminded me several times that “it’s okay to be grumpy.” As I apologize for snapping at him, he will sweetly and simply say, “you’re fine. You can be grumpy.” Reminded of my status, I yell inside my mind that “IT’S NOT OKAY!” But is it?

My friend wrote an excellent post on expectations which I found interesting, profound and pointed. Don’t you think?

Truly I think expectations are a vital and good part of life. Without them I would NOT be getting out of bed after a night of no sleep. But with them, I choose to do one more learning activity with my boys instead of putting on a movie and taking a nap. Expectation can be an inconvenience too. So I’m trying to find a bit of balance, lessen my expectations while still taking them into consideration and accepting the fact that I’m tired and grumpy today, but that’s not who I am. However, if one more person tells me how well I have it all together, I just may bite their head off.


Anonymous said...

I guess tonight isn't a 'boy's night out'.

Just think of George Costanza. Lower the bar and make life acheiveable.

Mr. Man

Michelle said...

i am sending you one huge hug over the blogosphere! that is a crazy amount of illness to endure!

i love that mr. man tells you it's okay to be grumpy. what a great hubby.

Shawny said...

It's good to know you are human! We've been dealing with our own illnesses over here--it's taking over the country and is causing a lot of grumpiness! Let me know if I can do anything.

Anne Marie said...

That sounds like a lot of sicknesses to deal with!!! Hope everyone gets feeling better. Being a mom is sometimes the most draining, overwhelming job in the world (particularly when your sleep is compromised for many days in a row).

Rachel said...

Dang humaness! I like that you posted your accomplishments as well, though. It's discouraging when you can't shake that 'woe is me' feeling. I've been struggling with that a bit, too. And as cliche as it sounds, that's when gratitude and service help me....even if that service is for yourself in cutting some slack and stealing time, whenever you can, to feed your own soul! Keep your chin up! Tomorrow is a NEW DAY! :)

Hoosier Mama said...

hahahahaha... you seemed chipper this morning - at least you know that despite the grumpies you are still fun to be around! you my friend are a rockstar!

Lydia said...

sorry to hear the grumpies have attacked. we get them here too. happy to watch your cuties so you can nap. anytime. really. and because i know you won't ask, how about friday afternoon?

lani said...

I've had my fair share of "grumpies" lately, and I just decided it's the "winter" talking. There are only so many months of subzero temps a person can take. Spring has to come soon, right?!!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...