Thursday, May 03, 2007

Doctor's Orders

I went to the doctor’s today – without my kids, so of course I waited a total of like 2 minutes versus the usual hour! It was a good visit and I came away chuckling about my adorable doctor. Granted he is probably nearing retirement and he looks exactly like Albert Einstein, he is, however, funny and comforting – two things I need in my life right now! My veins look good considering, and so no blood thinners for me at this point. We did talk over vascular surgeons, and if I have any swelling (none yet), redness or increase in numbness (this I have a lot of) I get to meet with one of them. My doctor made a few suggestions that I have to follow and a few crazy ones that I don’t know how on earth I could possibly attempt to try. I've been wearing my very-warm compression pantyhose every day, but I'm supposed to put them on first thing in the morning with my legs up in the air... I am sure I will need help with this as I can hardly touch my toes as it is! I am also supposed to lay on my back with my leg higher than my hip and heart as much as possible – this will limit my fantastic lazy-boy chair time and isn’t quite as “raising-kids” friendly. He also suggested being in waist deep water as much as possible – not swimming mind you, because that will increase my muscle use and blood flow, but just sitting in it for up to 6 hours a day. Yes, he said this! This cracked me up. I asked him what I was supposed to do with my kids while I’m just sitting there and not swimming while they drown each other? His next suggestion was that if I could just hang upside down the rest of my pregnancy that would be the ideal. This was a joke, meant to make the water concept not seem so far out of reach… but still… this is a bit crazy! I’ll be grateful when my Mom comes and then she can swim after my kids while I sit in the water for up to six hours and turn into some kind of prune!

Good news is I only gained 1 ½ lbs. in the last month – I was worried that without walking or exercise of any kind I would really start gaining. My record is 50 lbs with Little E and I would hate to surpass or even meet that amount again! Also I am officially in my last trimester – so yeah for me too! My baby looks great and besides my leg, the doc says I’m having just a superbly wonderful pregnancy – I’m glad somebody thinks so!


Kristy said...

Oh, Renee! You are a patient woman and I am glad your sense of humor is intact. I love the pic of your feet up, with hose, in the lounger. :)

Anne Marie said...

What a trooper!! The doctor's orders were too funny! Hang in there!

Rachel said...

Good luck with the waist deep in water thing! ;)
You are amazing...good luck and take care!

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you are sharing all your woes and joys with us. Someone up there must know you are strong and resilient to be able to bear these burdens! Wish I could kidnap your kids for a day so you could hang upside down for awhile.

Nicole said...

Hey there, I am not sure if you remember me, we lived in TVA and were in Hawaii the same time that you were. You left before we did. I worked in the TVA Office...Anyway, I just wanted to say that I love reading aobut your life. You are a good writer...I am sorry that you are having such a hard time with this pregancy. Keep up the Faith!!!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...