Sunday, December 02, 2012

Anger Management

Look at that sweet face.  Can you imagine him scowling, complaining, and yelling all day long?  Unfortunately this little guy has been extremely angry and difficult to live with lately.  (Is this a third grade stage?  Was I just writing this last year with a different little boy?)  At any rate, it's affecting his schoolwork, how he treats those around him, and is even turning into physical aggression.  If you want a challenging career that forces you to grow constantly, I propose becoming a parent.

In happier news, Mr. Crabby pants has planned out his entire Christmas list of gifts for family members, and he's working on earning money like a mad man - that was written before I realized how pun-ny it is!  
One of the many ways to earn extra cash in our house is to practice piano for an extra half hour.  This extra half hour of practicing merits either a 15 minute screen time ticket OR a yellow ticket = 50 big cents.  Desperate, and hating almost every other means of earning money (i.e. jobs), this little cutie has been getting up a half hour early every morning (6:00am) and practicing an extra half hour on top of his regular practice of 20 minutes.  Knowing that he he is doing this to earn money to buy special gifts he has selected for his siblings is heartwarming.  The fact that he has chosen to spend his extra practicing time learning and playing Christmas carols is beyond delightful.  Makes me smile every day.  It makes waking up and preparing to deal with an angry boy just a little bit easier.

1 comment:

Memories On The Go said...

You are so right about parenting being such a challenging career and with so little training!! What an amazing boy to give up sleep in order to earn money, not for himself but to buy gifts for his siblings--surely he has the Christmas Spirit :)

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