Monday, December 10, 2012

The Load I Carry

For many years, I have been the "pregnant" lady.  I had baby after baby and so heard a lot of the same questions and comments that one hears while pregnant over and over again.

"How are you?"  Wasn't meant to ask about my state of mind, just merely my state of being... my health, my pregnancy, the baby.
"How much longer do you have?"  It's not like I was dying!  And asking this completely increased the feeling that I was supremely pregnant-looking, the person asking really doesn't care (or they would have paid attention the first time), and yes, it does feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER!

I'm no longer the pregnant lady, but I may as well be... for the questions have not changed, only the meaning which they imply.  Now I am the "back-in-school Mom."

"How are you?"  Now actually means, "How's school?" if not asked directly to begin with.

"How much longer do you have?"  I know it feels like I've been in school forever, but I am crossing off one semester at a time and WILL eventually graduate.  Just don't ask me when!

1 comment:

Scott and Tisha said...

I love the comparison, I too fell like I've been the pregnant lady forever and remember you leaving me msgs with the questions "how are you feeling?" "Have you had you baby yet?"and more just to make me giggle because you knew these questions drove me crazy! Good to know the questions will remain the same, just the meaning changes! :) Hang in there! I Love you!

Balancing & Blogging

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