Monday, September 28, 2009

I Love Me a Good Weekend

It seems that most of my updates are either life-altering/life-questioning or else weekend updates. Oh well. Now that we have kiddos in school and Mr. Man works at a "real" job, the weekends have become priceless treasures. I love that school gets out early on Fridays, so even though we have many house projects and adventures to carry out, we have time to get at least some of them done, have some fun, and still rest and keep the Sabbath day holy.

This weekend was a blur of activity. Friday we went half-camping. Which means half the work for lots of fun! Everyone agreed we had a great time, though Little E was quite chilled from an accidental dip in the waterfall and was ready to go home long before the rest of us were! Half-camping consists of hiking, having a campfire, roasting hot dogs and making s'mores and then coming home to sleep in our warm comfy beds. Truly it is freezing at night here, and I was basically wimping out, but also being practical. We had the benefit of a beautiful location in which to half-camp, and even had some fun camping neighbors who hung out at our fire making s'mores and small talk with us. Mr. Man biked most of the way to our campsite which was enjoyable for him as well.

"our spot" - aren't you jealous?!

Saturday morning we split up. Miss J and I went to an apple tasting and information seminar at a local nursery. We are anxious to plant apple trees in our yard come spring and this was the perfect opportunity to be able to make an informed decision on which types of trees to plant and how to care for them. The boys went to another football game. Mr. Man used bribery (he promised a point for each flag removed- and points in our house are a valuable 15 minute screen time a piece!) Motivation did wonders and we now have some star players. Interstingly too how the coach suddenly gave them some better positions once they were considered "good!"

Then we went back to the nursery to let the kids climb trees (since we don't have any yet) and pick out a few to plant in our front totally un-landscaped yard. We picked four and spent the rest of the afternoon digging holes, moving sod to new locations, and planting trees. (Oh, and on the way home from the nursery we passed a couple of yard sales - girl clothes for 25 cents a piece and a much needed filing cabinet - which I plan to spray paint - for all my files!)

I made it just in time to the General Relief Society broadcast and returned to a cold windy night with sore hands, shoulders and back but Mr. Man had started a nice fire in the fireplace. Divine.

I cleaned for a few hours, planned a lesson for church (slacker!) and then off to bed for a very sleepyhead and an enjoyable Sunday spent with our little family. Today I am fighting a horrid head cold and am already ready for bed hours before my children... good thing we had an enjoyable weekend!


MOM said...

You certainly had a busy--memory-making weekend!! What lesson did you teach on Sunday--do you have a calling??? How wonderful to have an indoor fireplace. :)

Jennifer said...

so glad the flag football worked out this time :) I must confess to having fireplace envy :)

Laura said...

What an awesome weekend! Yes, I am jealous!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...