Monday, September 17, 2007

Little does he know...

Inevitably, the baby has a cold. Not bad, but enough that eating has become difficult for him and laying down uncomfortable. So we spent the night together – mostly up! This morning came much too early, but somehow I got up and got my children ready for the day (I even made Big J’s lunch even though school lunch was calling my name). I made it through knowing (hoping really) that I would be able to follow Laurie’s advice and go back to bed after I had shipped off the school attendees (namely the two eldest and my dear husband). Thanks to a loving neighbor, I didn’t even have to leave my house to get everyone where they needed to be. From 9-11 the baby and I caught up on our rest, while my three year old willingly zoned out in front of whatever they’re showing on PBS these days.

There were only two interruptions – once for a snack (I thankfully found a package of pez candies and a Winnie the Pooh dispenser that went over VERY well, oh and a banana for health purposes), and the second time there was hollering and Little E had gotten himself stuck between some toys.

When Mr. T got home from school he asked what we had done all morning. Little E started in this animated tale of how he had gotten stuck and was so scared and out of nowhere came Mommy to save him… and, turning to me smiling he said, “You’re just the best superhero ever, Mommy!”

So there you go. My inactions will leave no lasting impact… in the eyes of my child, I have already saved the day (and in my pjs too!)


Anne Marie said...

Glad you got some rest. You definitely need that when your baby's sick.

Shawny said...

You go girl! Catch some zzzzzz's whenever and wherever you can--be creative!

Laurie said...

Hooray for you!! It's amazing what a little extra sleep can do! And PBS is educational, right?! I'm all for multi-tasking. And to be a hero in the end, it doesn't get much better than that! I'm happy that you got some extra sleep. Hopefully your rest of your day goes GREAT!

Rachel said...

You are super mommy! Way to get some rest in! You do what you have to, and it sounds like you are doing well! Cute picture below!

Balancing & Blogging

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