(just one girlfriend!)
It’s been a rough week. Last Tuesday was Mr. Man’s birthday and in the midst of the celebrations my little brother was in a horrendous car accident. Needless to say there’s been a lot of stress and my body is finally starting to relax and the anxiety that having someone you love in a coma induces is decreasing as his recovery progresses. With hopes of going up to visit my brother before school commences, we had discussed with my doctor being induced tomorrow. Today I went in for my check-up and without giving gross specifics on the internet… my body is NOT ready to give birth. My doctor refuses to “torture” me and was pretty certain with what drugs he feels he could give me (since I’ve had a c-section) I would be in the hospital for two or three days before making enough progress to even have my water broken. So all my well-made plans are distraught, and our celebrations for my last day to be pregnant are awash. Meanwhile I may actually take up my Mom’s crazy idea of doing jumping jacks as I await my next check-up that will be on my birthday! So now comes the enduring to the end… and I’m going to try my best to do as my friend suggested and endure it well.
(Talking on a CD for Uncle Kyle)
Thank You for the updates. I've been wondering about you. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. He seems to be making positive progress!! We'll keep your family in our prayers both for your brothers recovery and for a smooth delivery!!
Happy birthday to Greg ... and best wishes and many prayers for Kyle. Sounds like he is improving already.
I hope your brother has a speedy recovery. Hang in there with the baby stuff. You'll feel like yourself again before too much longer.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I am shocked that the stress from that kind of family trauma didn't induce your labor. The last leg of pregnancy is the hardest, I'm right there with you! Good luck with the next adventures in your life!
So, so sorry to hear about your brother! I hope he continues to recover! And I am also sorry for your current state - never fun! Let's just pray things iraculously move along quickly for you!
Best wishes for your brother. So sorry. I hope your body will really get into high gear to get this baby on its way out. Best of luck with everything and getting through the last days of pregnancy!
Happy Birthday to both of you! I've recently begun blogging/blog checking, so hopefully I'll be able to visit more often. I'm sorry to hear about all the stress; congratulations on having a baby, though! You know, when all is said and done, you will have another beautiful child, and you will be able to visit your brother... though not in the timing or ways you had wanted. I'll pray for his continued recovery.
If anyone has endured to the end well, it has been you. We are praying that all goes well, SOON! Good luck.
If anyone has endured to the end well, it has been you. We are praying that all goes well, SOON! Good luck.
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