Saturday, July 07, 2007

The "Gimpy" Family

We are a wreck! One glance at us and you may think we were in some kind of a wreck – each and every one of us. I am one wobbly pregnant lady with a gimpy leg and enough whining to accompany it all that you would think I was “seriously” injured. Big J has her share of bumps, bruises and splinters, and had her stitches out today only to show her knee off to her brothers by practically ripping it back open! Mr. T has a split lip that has fortunately lost some of its fatness from a run in with his brother’s head. Not to mention the bruise on the side of his face, his bug bites he had an allergic reaction to and are swollen and icky looking, and oh, his ankle’s been hurting. Little E kissed the sidewalk the other day carrying wood to the backyard and split his lip all the way up to his nose… no stitches were required, and it’s healing nicely… but still…

Mr. Man obviously felt a little left out, and so he had to go and outdo all of us. Last night he left for a nice relaxing bike ride and returned quietly claiming that he was hurt. That was an understatement. Going down a hill at 45 mph his front tire blew and though he tried to brake, he was able to unclip himself and miss the miles of mailboxes and merely fly through the air and hit his whole right side on the asphalt – slamming his head on the pavement. Thankfully, his helmet took the brunt of it, and his head just hurt and had a couple of “lacerations”. After feeling completely overwhelmed at all of his injuries we began cleaning out all the asphalt and treating each and every wound we could. The bruising is so severe and I just ache when I think about what his body must feel like. After an uncomfortable night and lots of prodding from an anxious wife (and we’re supposed to be leaving for our cabin on the beach tomorrow) he went to the hospital this morning for x-rays and treatment – which included some stitches on his elbow that had still not stopped bleeding. Apparently all the doctors and nurses who treated him after he was “admitted” described him as “tough as *$@%”. He sure is tough, and thankfully nothing is broken except his bike and helmet! I don’t even know how to describe all his injuries – his shoulder and whole right side down to his ankle look like they will never be the same. Mr. Man exclaimed last night, “so this is what road rash looks like”. He’s hoping he’ll be well enough by Tuesday to enjoy the beach. Mostly we’re all grateful that this accident didn’t prove much worse, given the circumstances, and that he is all in one piece – including his brain and mind! Here’s the one picture I have permission to post…

Our first aid kit has been restocked and is ready for a relaxing trip at the beach! See you in a week!


Camie said...

Oh my--I have never seen an injury like that!! That is going to take a long time to recover--let's hope all of you have had your turns at injuries and you can have a SAFE trip to the cabin!

Jenny said...

Owwwwwieeeee!! Yikes! That looks so painful!!! You guys need a good relaxing time!

Anne Marie said...

Ouch! That must have really hurt. Hope you can all stay safe for a while.

Lori said...

Holy Cow! (Oh my, Yikes, Ouhc and Owwwie were already taken). That looks horribly painful. He's lucky he walked away and didn't have to lie there until someone found him. Sounds like the beach is just what the doctor ordered! Enjoy!

libbie said...

Ouch, this is killing me to look at . . . . I can't even imagine. I am glad that he is okay and all is well . . . for now! You guys better be careful out there!

Topher said...

Atta boy, G. Looks like you stared fear in the face and...lost. But way to take it like a man. Hope you feel better soon, dude.

Rachel said...

Wuss! (totally kidding)
That looks painful!
Hope your week at the beach was wonderfully relaxing and accident-free! :)

Amy said...

OUCH! That looks really bad. Good thing he was wearing a helmet. I am so glad that he is not hurt worse. Good luck with all your recoveries and have a great trip!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...