Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Why Wednesday Was Wonderful

1. There was snow on the ground when we awoke.  This was not wonderful.  But it meant I could take a humorous photo to send to my husband who is in Hawaii.

2. I got a new bra.  You have to have seen the old one to get how big of a deal this was.  The wonderful lady at VS did a great job sizing me and getting the "perfect fit." It's more than wonderful.

3. I volunteered at a music festival where my son was taking a percussion class.  Being around children is wonderful.  Music is wonderful.  Chatting with other mom volunteers is wonderful (and a treat!)

4. I ate wonderfully all day.  I am pursuing a whole 30-day reset challenge.

5. My children had a wonderful dinner (though rushed). And each was tucked in with a kiss and a listening ear.

6. I skyped with my husband.  He's hot.  Literally.  That's wonderful.

7. I folded laundry, loaded the dishwasher, and even put each of my kids to bed with a loving kiss and listening ear.  Now I'm going to go to bed, and read a wonderful book before sleeping.

That is all.

1 comment:

Miss C said...

Sounds like a fantastic day, and nice shoes.

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