Thursday, March 22, 2012


My sister is having a baby any day now.

I'm totally jealous.

I love giving birth. I love having a baby.

I wish I could do it over and over and over...

However, after I had my first baby I learned the lesson that you aren't just having a baby, you are having a child. And I know that, for our family, four children is all we can do. And really, I'm so happy with that.

But it doesn't mean I don't get sad when my friend has her first baby and I can only attempt to recall what it's like to have just one little firstborn and go for stroller walks. I did it. But I wish I could do it again. I miss it.

Memories, baby books, journals and blog posts remind me of the moments I dreaded, the times I cried and the joy I found in the journey.

I've become that older mom who begs to hold young mom's babies. Some of these young mom's are indulging me, others are desperately pleading. Their time will come.

I think I may have rushed my baby-making years.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

my kids are cute

At the pet store today a dog went up to Little J and sniffed him.

J: That dog tried to sniff me, Mom.
Me: That's okay, he's just curious about you. Just like you get curious sometimes.
J: Yeah. But I don't SNIFF people.

In the car on our way to taekwondo we saw a man walking beside his horse alone the sidewalk of the main road. I was excited to point out something unusual to the kiddos. Their reactions were priceless.

Miss J: That's random.
Little E (our cowboy): That looks familiar for my imagination.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Green Pots and Hats

It was an unusual breakfast day at our house... complete with a craft and entertainment by Mr. Man. The meal itself was outrageous, though I opted for my plain cheerios. We LOVE Dr. Seuss at our house. So celebrating his birthday (even though he's dead... my four year old keeps pointing out) was a MUST. Since we were out of ham, we had our green eggs substituted with chocolate fudge pudding - totally Dr. Seussy, right?!This little guy and I wore our hats to Dr. Seuss storytime at the library. We're cool like that.
Somehow, she makes any outrageous costume or outfit look cute!
Three classy boys.
Mr. Man came down to find the "breakfast party" in full swing. But thought it lacked entertainment. He pulled up a chair and read several of his favourite Dr. Seuss books. His tongue was numb.

And now I must share the story of the green pot.

This green pot is really too small for our family's main dishes, and is usually only pulled out when we have many side dishes (such as Thanksgiving or Christmas). However, it is used regularly for making chocolate fudge pudding. Chocolate fudge pudding is the secret dish I grew up wanting and never having. It was the special dessert my mom would make for my dad when he had late night meetings, and they would share the whole thing leaving only the dirty dish and dreams of what could have been devoured for us kids. I thought it was cruel. Now I think it was smart. At any rate, last night I used this dish for our dinner and everyone was disappointed when I removed the lid to reveal a main course and NOT chocolate fudge pudding. Even Mr. Man was devastated. Yup, right, like I serve desserts as main courses on a regular basis. At any rate, Mr. Man bartered cleaning up the whole kitchen (even dirty flour-covered counters from bread-making) if I would bake chocolate fudge pudding for a dessert. I did. Unfortunately it wasn't done before bedtime and so I promised the kids they could have it the next day. For breakfast. Needless to say, they went to sleep quickly and Mr. Man and I enjoyed our portion of the dessert alone together.

Another tangent... Little J had a blast exploring Seussville this morning.

And... I think this is funny.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...