Mr. Man is the king of scouting. He loves it. He was cub master for the LDS troop in our last town, and when our boys were quite young they loved to get dragged around on numerous "scub scout" activities. When we moved here, Mr. T was ecstatic to be the right age to join the community tiger den of cub scouts. Unfortunately they were lacking a leader, and without one, a den would not exist. Enter the king of scouting to the rescue. They had a great year and then at the end of the year, the current cub master was resigning. Enter the king of scouting to the rescue once again. Mr. Man has been the cub master for a large troup of a good 60-70 boys this year and has (almost) loved every minute of it. They've done some great activities like snowshoeing, bbguns and bows and arrows at the shooting range and much more!
This year Little E was a tiger and Mr. T was a wolf. Mr. T is so into this whole scouting thing, it's incredible. Weeks before the anticipated "crossover," where the boys advance to the next den and receive their badges for the year, Mr. T was writing about his anticipation in his journal:
"from Wolf to bear""Soon I am becoming a bear in cubscouts. We tell luvels by neverchiefs. When your a bear you carve a wood chip with a nife and get a nice. I am so exsided. You crose a brgd and on the brigd the red arows give you a new hacercheif. The red aroows are the highst luvel cub scouts. They also like nature and pow wos and read lots of things and wear a arow shap head band that is read, white pants and shit. With a red arow down there chest and back."
(Had to include this picture... I get this look so often but have never captured it. Here he's doing it because I refused to tie his shoe for him. I'm a horrible mother!)I'm not much of a cub mom, I'm afraid. I even make Mr. Man sew the badges on because it's HIS thing, not mine. (But I do run a fair amount of errands for these big events.) The day of the crossover was butt freezing cold (as usual) but thankfully it didn't rain, hail or snow and so we kept the location outdoors... which was so much fun for all the boys. They had rocks and brush galore to climb and play on. Even Miss J (who brought a friend to help endure the hours with so many boys) had a blast and got filthy!

(He's growing his hair out! Wants it to be as long as mine. I told him he's going to be having like a three year awkward stage!)And then the order of the arrow did come, and both boys crossed over and received their upgrades on neckerchiefs.

(Only when your dad is the cub master can he choke you with your neckerchief!)Now I have a wolf and a bear and a little future tiger!

The day after school let out, my two big boys and the king of scouting took off for day camp and had tons of fun and learned all sorts of new things (like how to start a fire with steel wool and a battery). Gotta love scub scouts!