Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Learning to Leap

I've been overwhelmed recently.
Too much to do, and too little time. I know most everyone can relate.
But the hard part for me is being stretched to do and try new things that I've never done before, either don't want to do, or don't think I can.

This summer Miss J and her friend have been attending a weekly ballet class put on by an amazing woman and mother that I admire. She has offered this class to the community free of charge (amidst her experience and fabulous resume), and it has been worth so much. I can't believe how much Miss J has learned and how far she has come. She has been, literally, stretched. She is amazing!

And so I have watched her each week and learned that little by little I can learn to stretch myself too. I hope.


MOM said...

What beautiful photos--you really caught her in action! I love when we learn from our children! You are right that we can stretch ourselves--even if it hurts. "No pain - No gain"

Scott and Tisha said...

I echo mom- amazing pictures. She sure is growing into a beautiful young lady.

Lily said...

Wow- she looks like a natural at it. What posture and flexibility.

Anne Marie said...

What a beautiful set of pictures. Look at her natural talent and form. Wishing you the very best as you change and grow.

Jennifer said...

hey,my secret twin :)
"learning to leap"...ugh...I hate that it has to happen but I am always end up being grateful for it when it is over :) And I must my ditto to the picture comments...very beautiful.

Laura said...

Look at those gorgeous long limbs! She's made for it!

Arseneault Family said...

This is an inspiring post to me at this time! LOVE it SO much! Stretching hurts, doesn't it?? *sigh*


p.s. what perfect form your lovely one has! :)

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